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词汇 locations
例句 How do you explain the existence of closely related species in widely separated locations?你如何解释近亲物种分布在相距很远的地方这一现象 ?Weapons were found at three locations believed to be used by snipers.在三处地方找到相信是狙击手使用的武器。Some companies outsource to cheaper locations to cut costs.为了降低成本,有的公司把工作外包给劳动力廉价的地区。They will be offered transfers to other locations.他们将会被安排调任到其他地方。They're always flying off to film in exotic locations.他们经常飞到异域拍电影。He has been scouting locations in Ghana.他一直在侦察加纳的一些地方。Pilots who lay over in exotic locations may spend more time sunbathing.飞行员在国外停留时可以花更多的时间享受日光浴。The locations and set designs were fabulous.外景地和布景设计都棒极了。His use of authentic, outdoor locations was unusual.他对真实外景的运用与众不同。Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster locations.门票在特玛捷票务公司的各售票点均有销售。The website has clickable maps showing hotel locations.网站上有地图,点击打开后可显示各宾馆的位置。People were asked about their top choices for meeting locations.人们被问到他们会首选哪些地方作为会议地点。The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security.确切地点因为安全原因要保密。They arrived in Brisbane scouting for locations.他们到了布里斯班,在寻找合适的落脚点。All of his movies feature lavish sets and exotic locations.他所有的电影都具有场面大和充满异国情调的特征。Her company has had to split up and work from two locations.她的公司不得不拆分开来,两地办公。We selected these two locations because they offer a range of services.我们选定这两个地点是因为它们提供一系列的服务。They've plotted the locations where the trees will be planted.他们标出要栽种树木的位置。Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations.支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。We spent a week tramping the streets of San Francisco, looking for movie locations.我们花了一个星期时间在旧金山的街道上四处奔走,寻找拍摄电影的外景地。Most film locations broadly fit into two categories; those on private property and those in a public place.多数电影的拍摄场地大致归为两类:私人宅院与公共场地。As a photographer, he'd found both locations just a trifle disappointing.作为摄影师,他感到两处景点都有点儿不尽如人意。




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