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词汇 不忠
例句 He betrayed his wife with another woman. 他对妻子不忠,和另外一个女人在一起了。The army was disaffected and tried to drive out the government.陆军不忠,试图推翻政府。She found out that he'd been cheating on her.她发现他对她不忠Reporters made the shocking discovery that the governor had been unfaithful to his wife.记者们揭露了州长对其妻子不忠的惊人丑闻。What would you do if your boyfriend cheated on you?如果你的男朋友对你不忠,你会怎么办?Geoff had been unfaithful to her on many occasions.杰夫多次对她不忠He two-timed his girlfriend with her best friend.他对女友不忠,与她最好的朋友搞在了一起。I was really hurt that he had deceived me.他的不忠令我深受伤害。I hadn't known that Sue would be false to him.我不知道休会对他不忠He discovered she'd been cheating on him.他发现她对他不忠In his book, Holden speculates that Shakespeare was an unfaithful husband who was trapped into marriage.霍尔登在其书中推测莎士比亚是个被迫结婚而对妻子不忠的丈夫。He swore to me that he had never cheated.他向我发誓他从来没有对我不忠The magazine claims that almost half of Britain's women cheat on their partners.该杂志称几乎有一半的英国妇女对自己的伴侣不忠He's got a history of cheating on his girlfriends.他有对女朋友不忠的先例。Other party members accused Simpson of disloyalty.其他党员指责辛普森对党不忠Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.通常他接手的案子都涉及不忠的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。A private detective has been assigned to find out whether she's cheating on her husband.请了个私家侦探以查明她是否对丈夫不忠Her husband never knew of her infidelity.她丈夫从来都不知道她对自己不忠There had been rumours for a long time of Clinton's marital infidelity.克林顿对婚姻不忠的传言由来已久。She had tried to be a good wife, and he repaid her by cheating on her.她尽力做个好妻子,但他却对她抱以不忠He cheated on his old lady.他对自己的老婆不忠Why do women stay with unfaithful partners?女人为什么要留在对自己不忠的伴侣身边?She has been unfaithful to him over the years. 她多年来一直对他不忠The king was angered by the recreancy of his wife and his best friend.妻子及他最好的朋友的不忠使国王非常恼怒。Jeff promised he'd never be unfaithful again.杰夫保证以后再也不会有不忠的行为。He has shown disloyalty to the party and is not to be trusted.他已经表现出对党的不忠,不再能受到信任。He doesn't know Claire's been two-timing him.他不知道克莱尔一直对自己不忠He accused me of being unfaithful to him.他指责我对他不忠I divorced him for infidelity.我因他的不忠而与他离婚。He cheated on his wife/girlfriend.他对妻子/女友不忠No government can condone disloyalty to it.任何政府都不会姑息对它的不忠Brian's mother accused him of being disloyal.布赖恩的母亲指责他不忠The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.这个不忠的念头立刻就被压了下去。Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty.对某些有不忠嫌疑的官员已经提起了诉讼。He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful, thieving wife.他发誓要报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。He no longer loved her, and with just cause, because she had betrayed him.他不再爱她了,而且有恰当的理由,因为她对他不忠He was an unfaithful husband who treated women as playthings.他是个视女人为玩物的不忠丈夫。It's an open secret that he's been cheating on his wife.他一直对妻子不忠,这是个公开的秘密。He equates disagreement with/and disloyalty.他认为意见不同就是不忠Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal.布赖恩站在他姐姐这一边,他母亲就此指责他不忠




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