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例句 The steak was punched up with a pepper sauce.牛排因添加了辣椒酱而增色不少He is wasting away from disease.他因病消瘦不少She spent a lot of money to follow the fashion.为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。I lost a lot of money on the dogs last night.昨天晚上我赌狗输了不少钱。Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates.不少企业集团一直在向联邦储备委员会施压,要求其放松利率管制。Much was spent nursing the place back to health.为了修缮这块地方使之重放光彩而花费了不少钱。We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.我们不得不总是在外面吃饭,结果花了不少钱。I heard that he won a lot of money on the Superbowl a few years ago.我听说他几年之前在超级碗赛上赌赢了不少钱。She always brightens up a party.她总能使聚会增色不少The book is well larded with anecdotes.书中穿插了不少轶闻趣事。It took some doing, but I finally persuaded Jim to give me a few more days off.我费了不少工夫,但最终还是说服了吉姆再准我几天假。We don't need a computer failure to contend with as well as all our other problems.我们已有不少其他问题要解决,不想再为计算机故障问题伤脑筋。His gift for description adds color to his stories.他擅长描写的天分使得他的故事生色不少He has a number of nagging worries.他有不少牵肠挂肚的心事。He did a lot of hell-raising when he was younger.他早年干了不少坏事。He's a great credit to the school.他为学校争光不少That car must have knocked you back quite a bit. 这辆车一定花了你不少钱。His meteoric rise to stardom befuddled many people.他快速地成为明星让不少人看了傻眼。There have been many attacks against the professor for her position on the issue.教授因她对此事的立场受到不少抨击。I bet Grandma's got quite a bit tucked away.我敢肯定奶奶藏了不少钱。The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。It took quite a while to sort out all our luggage.整理我们的全部行李花了不少时间。Several leading players have entered the tournament.不少主力队员报名参加了锦标赛。I made a lot of useful business contacts at the conference.在这次大会上我建立了不少有用的业务关系。He lost a bundle in the stock market.他在股市里亏了不少钱。She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.她年轻活泼,会给团队增添不少活力。He took a lot of lumps as a kid growing up in the city.作为一个在城里长大的孩子,他挨过不少揍。Her stance on taxes could be a big vote-getter in this election.她在税收方面的立场可能会在这次选举中为她赢得不少选票。My mother had just died and I found the book very comforting.我的母亲刚刚去世,我从那本书中获得了不少慰藉。The polish needs a certain amount of elbow grease to apply.要把这个擦亮得费不少劲。The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings.伦敦生活费用太高了,我的积蓄都花出去不少了。He was going to have to purchase all his lumber at full retail price.他将不得不以零售价分文不少地购买自己所需的全部木材。There were loads and loads of empty seats at the game - I was kind of surprised.球场看台上有不少空位一我有点吃惊。What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm.他不仅给这一工作带来了不少经验,而且倾注了极大的热情。We've painted the kitchen and the living room, but there's a lot to do in the other rooms.我们已经漆完了厨房和起居室,但其他房间还有不少活要干。There are a lot of people in the movie industry who are afraid to take chances and do new things.电影业里有不少人害怕冒险,不愿尝试新事物。She had a good win at bingo, but blued all her winnings on a night out with all her friends.她玩宾戈游戏赢了不少钱,但一个晚上就和她所有朋友一起挥霍掉了。Not a few who yield themselves to Paul's gospel are left feeling like a traveller overcome by vertigo.不少听从保罗训言的人结果却觉得自己像是晕头转向的旅行者。Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.为帮助经历了这种痛苦的病人重新适应社会,人们付出了不少努力。




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