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We took a nap after work to recharge our batteries before going out dancing.工作后我们打了个盹儿,为外出跳舞养精蓄锐。It takes about an hour for the battery to recharge.给电池充一次电大约需要一小时。She took a trip to the South of France to recharge her batteries.她到法国南部旅行休整。I'm going to spend a week in the mountains to recharge my batteries.我准备到山里去呆一个星期,恢复一下精力。He is using your mains electricity to recharge his car battery.他在用你家里的电源给他的车载蓄电池充电。When the computer beeps, you need to recharge the battery.当计算机发出嘟嘟声时,就需要给电池充电。A week in the mountains should recharge my batteries.在山里休息一个星期,我的精力应该能恢复过来。He wanted to recharge his batteries and come back feeling fresh and positive.他想去放松休息一下,然后精力充沛、干劲十足地回来。It only takes three hours to recharge.再充满电只需三小时。Take a break to give yourself time to recharge.休息一下,给自己一点时间恢复体力。 |