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词汇 bottles
例句 Put the bottles in the recycling bin.把瓶子扔进回收箱里。We'll need about 10 bottles of wine, I should think.依我说,我们会需要大约十瓶葡萄酒。Milk used to come in bottles instead of cardboard containers.牛奶过去一般都装瓶而不装纸盒。She swept the bottles from her bedside table.她把床头柜上的瓶子都划拉到了地上。On the table beside the bed were several medicine bottles.床边的桌子上有几个药瓶。He has the cunning of the secret drinker who hides bottles.他是一个诡诈的酒徒,偷偷喝酒然后有把酒瓶藏起来的本领。When the police appeared the crowd pelted them with bottles and insults.警察出现时,人群向他们扔瓶子,还破口大骂。In a face-to-face confrontation angry demonstrators threw bricks and bottles at the police.在一次面对面的冲突中,愤怒的游行示威者把砖头、瓶子扔向警察。He bought two bottles of vodka on account.他挂账买了两瓶伏特加酒。Leave empty milk bottles on the step.将空奶瓶放在门阶上。Replace the caps on the bottles.把瓶盖盖上。Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.街上到处都是被丢弃的食品包装和瓶子。The milk was sterilized and sealed in bottles.牛奶经过灭菌处理后被封装在瓶子里。Sterilize the bottles with boiling water.用沸水把这些瓶子消毒。Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume?你认为这些瓶子中哪个容积最大?Glasses and bottles went crashing to the floor.杯子和瓶子哗啦一下落到了地板上。Those wine bottles are out of place in the children's playroom.那些酒瓶不适合放在小孩子们的游戏间里。There was a scatter of empty cans and bottles on the lawn.草坪上散落着空瓶子和空罐子。To underline their disgust, the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.为了宣泄他们的厌恶,观众们开始朝舞台上扔瓶子。Before you put out the trash, you have to separate out the bottles and cans.在扔垃圾之前,须将瓶子和罐头盒分拣出来。Cars and trucks have been torched, bottles and bricks thrown.轿车、卡车被放火焚烧,瓶子与砖块乱砸乱飞。The small bottles don't seem to hold much.这些小瓶子好像装不下多少。The restaurant bottles its own ginger ale.这家餐馆自制瓶装姜味汽水。On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.架子上是一排排的酒瓶。They brought two bottles of wine apiece.他们每人带了两瓶葡萄酒。If you bring your empty bottles back to the store, we can refill them.如果你把空瓶带回商店,我们可以把它们重新灌满。The milk bottles rattled in the crate.牛奶瓶在板条箱里发出咣当咣当的碰撞声。There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge.冰箱上显眼地摆放着许多药瓶。We've put down two dozen bottles of port.我们已贮存了两打甜葡萄酒。We all poured our drinks out of bottles into paper cups.我们都把饮料从瓶子倒进纸杯里喝。Babies’ bottles can be sterilized simply by boiling them in water.奶瓶放在水里煮就能消毒。The protesters hurtled bottles at the police.抗议者向警察扔瓶子。Broken bottles and cups lay here, there, and everywhere, over the floor.地板上到处是破碎的瓶子和杯子。Steve uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement.史蒂夫打开几瓶香槟酒庆功。Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles.珍妮打开碗橱拿出了几个瓶子。Beer is sold on draft and in bottles.啤酒有散装出售的和瓶装出售的。We keep the bottles up here so the children can't reach them.我们把瓶子放在这儿,孩子们就够不着了。Give me two bottles of stout by the neck.给我两瓶黑啤酒,要整瓶上。Two bottles of milk stood on the doorstep.门阶上放着两瓶牛奶。Shall I take the empty bottles for recycling?我把这些空瓶子拿去回收吧?




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