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词汇 bothered
例句 Most evenings I can't be bothered cooking.大多数晚上我都懒得做饭。The bright light bothered her eyes.强光让她眼睛很不舒服。The neighbors were bothered by the dog's incessant barking.那只狗不停地吠叫让邻居们感到很烦。The complexities of life bothered him.人生的复杂情况使他迷惑不已。The dust and untidiness in her room no longer bothered her.屋里的尘土和凌乱已不再令她烦心。Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before.哈里发现自己会因为小事而生气,而以前他从不会在意这些事情。People bothered by noise from overhead aircraft shall hear a difference in the skies soon.为头顶上隆隆的飞机噪声所苦的人们,不久将从听觉上发现空中明显的变化。He is not that bothered about his appearance.他并不那么在意自己的外表。The way my brother talked to Mother bothered me.我兄弟对母亲说话的那副模样惹我恼火。He behaved as though he could not be bothered.他表现得不愿出力似的。She got herself all hot and bothered about the test.她因为考试而变得焦躁不安。He hadn't bothered to return her messages.他懒得回复她的短信。They don't seem to be greatly bothered by the delay.对于延误,他们似乎并不怎么介意。Only Sue and Mark bothered to turn up for the meeting.只有苏和马克当回事,出席了这次会议。He was bothered with an itching back.他背脊发痒很不好受。I should be revising, but I just can't be bothered.我应该温习功课,可就是犯懒。Most people can't be bothered thinking about their retirement - they're too busy concentrating on the here and now.大多数人都顾不上去考虑退休的事情——他们都在忙着考虑现在。Money was plentiful, and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure.有足够的钱,似乎很难见到有人为花费而烦心。I can't be bothered to go.我不想去。He was still bothered by a persistent leg injury.他还是受着一直未愈的腿伤的困扰。Anti-virus software is a simple safeguard that many computer users have not bothered to install.防毒软件是一种简单的保护设施,许多电脑用户没有费心安装。I can't be bothered with the pissy details.我不会为那些无足轻重的琐事而烦恼的。My boyfriend came out looking hot and bothered.我的男朋友心急火燎地出来了。It really bothered me that he'd forgotten my birthday.他把我的生日忘了,真让我感到没劲。Well, if you missed the presentation because you couldn't be bothered to turn up on time, that's your hard luck!嗯,如果你是因为不屑于劳神费力准时到场而误了发言,那是你活该倒霉!He was sufficiently bothered by the noise to complain to the manager.他受够了喧哗声,只得向经理投诉。When I asked her to help me she said that she couldn't be bothered.我叫她帮我一下,她说她可不想费这个神。I think she felt snubbed because Anthony hadn't bothered to introduce himself.我想她觉得受了冷落,因为安东尼根本没有作自我介绍。My hairdresser says I should use a hairdryer to dry my hair, but I can't be bothered to do it every day.我的发型师说我应该用电吹风吹干头发,可我不愿意每天都这么麻烦。They were an hour late and she didn't seem at all bothered.他们迟到了一小时,可她似乎一点也不在乎。He couldn't even be bothered to get dressed.他甚至懒得穿衣服。Doctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.医生们才懒得解释他们所做的事情。His unctuous manner bothered her.他虚情假意的样子使她感到讨厌。I'm not doing any more work on the house this year, I can't be bothered.今年我不再弄房子了,我不想麻烦。There was something in her attitude that bothered him.她的态度里有某种东西让他感到不安。I'm not bothered whether we go out or stay in.出去还是呆在家里我倒无所谓。His quietness bothered her.他的沉默令她不安。The causes and cures for cancer have bothered researchers for years.癌症的起因和治疗方法多年来一直是研究者伤脑筋的问题。Few people ever bothered to talk to him, and many deliberately avoided him.很少有人费心跟他讲话,而许多人故意避开他。I just can't be bothered to look after the house.我就是不想费事照看这所房子。




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