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词汇 不人道
例句 We regard their treatment of the prisoners as inhuman.我们觉得他们对待囚犯很不人道The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action.拒绝收容难民是不人道的行为。I don't agree with hunting.我认为狩猎行为不人道The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要,也不人道Many people believe factory farming is inhumane.许多人认为工厂化农场经营是不人道的。The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.屠杀鲸既不必要也不人道The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道They believe that capital punishment is uncivilized.他们认为死刑是不人道的。I'm all for flogging, though bleeding hearts will cry that it's inhumane.我完全赞成鞭刑,虽然心肠软的人会大叫这样不人道Amnesty International is protesting against the inhumane treatment of these political prisoners.大赦国际抗议这些政治犯受到不人道的待遇。It's not humane to treat animals that way.那样对待动物是不人道的。Imprisonment is not a humane form of punishment.监禁是一种不人道的惩罚方式。This method of slaughtering chickens is now regarded by many as inhumane.这种杀鸡方法现在被许多人认为是不人道的。At each level, we are confronted with an inhuman pseudoclassicism.在每个层次,我们都要面对不人道的伪古典主义。He received all kinds of inhumane treatment during his three-month stay in prison.他在监狱里待了三个月,受尽了不人道的待遇。




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