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词汇 上溯
例句 We walked up the river to its source in the hills.我们沿河上溯而行,一直走到其在山中的源头。Their knowledge of the family's history extends back to colonial times.他们对这个家族历史的了解可以上溯到殖民时期。The use of garlic, whether for medicinal or culinary purposes, dates back several centuries.大蒜的使用,无论是用于医学目的还是烹任目的,都可上溯至几个世纪以前。His ancestors ascend to the 15th century.他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。The town's history goes back to colonial times.这座小镇的历史可以上溯到殖民地时代。Their family can trace its origins back to the Norman Conquest.他们的家族可上溯至诺曼征服时期。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China,Egypt and Persia.有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘,可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。The country has many British war graves dating back to the North African campaign.该国有许多可上溯至北非战役的英军阵亡战士墓。




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