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词汇 planet
例句 The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星内部散发出的热量是它吸收太阳热量的两倍。Pluto is the utmost known planet in our solar system.冥王星是太阳系中已知的最远的一颗行星。In a worst-case scenario all life on the planet would be wiped out by a nuclear war.最坏的情形是,地球上所有的生命都会被核战争毁灭。Ozone shields the planet from the effects of the sun's ultraviolet radiation.臭氧保护地球不受太阳紫外线辐射的影响。Images of the planet are sent by satellite.人造卫星发送了该行星的图像。Pictures of the distant planet were beamed back to the Earth.那颗遥远行星的图片被传回到地球。They have got to be the worst band on the planet.他们一定是天底下最糟糕的乐队。In the interests of humankind we must stop destroying our planet.为了全人类的利益,我们必须停止破坏地球。The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet.蓝鲸是地球上体型最大的生物。The planet Pluto is comparable in size to our Moon.冥王星的大小和月球差不多。She wrote an imaginative story about life on the planet Venus.她写了一部富有想象力的小说,讲述金星上的生活。The planet's atmosphere cannot support human life.这颗行星的大气层无法维持人类生存。The planet probably has a molten core.此行星的核心可能是熔岩。There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet.有多种方式可以灭绝这个星球上的生物。It's just about possible to see the planet with the naked eye on a clear night.在晴朗的夜晚,用肉眼看到这颗行星也是有可能的。The space explorers were beamed onto the surface of the planet.太空探索者被飞速送到了那颗行星上。To save the planet we must set the trend of caring for the environment.为了拯救地球,我们必须树立保护环境的风尚。The massive volcanic eruption could affect the climate of the whole planet.大规模火山爆发可能影响整个地球的气候。He posited that each planet moved in a perfect circle.他认为每颗行星沿正圆轨道运行。Some planets have a moon. Moons orbit their planet.一些行星有一个卫星,卫星围绕着他们的行星转。Massive amounts of the gas have escaped from the planet into space.这种气体从该行星大量逸出进入太空。Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet's surface.小行星留下的撞击坑布满了这颗行星的表面。We already know a great deal about the planet Jupiter.我们已经了解了许多关于木星的情况。The film is about a set of aliens living on a doomed planet.该影片讲述一群生活在注定要遭难的星球上的外星人。The comet was on a collision course with the planet.那颗彗星有可能与这颗行星相撞。The country could become one of the most important economic poles on our planet.这个国家可能会成为全球最重要的经济中心之一。The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.地球上物种的总数似乎在激增。She looked at me as if I were someone from another planet.她看着我,好像我不是地球人。The characters are convinced that they're on another planet, but the audience is in on the joke. 这些剧中人物坚信他们是在另一个星球上,但观众知道这只是个玩笑。Will recycling help save the planet?循环再利用会有助于拯救地球吗?Nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the planet.核武器具有摧毁地球实体完整性的威力。The theory has far-reaching implications for the future of the planet.这一理论对于地球的未来有深远影响。Man's own greed will be the destruction of the planet.人类自身的贪婪将摧毁这个星球。The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder its resources as we do.如果我们继续像现在这样滥用资源的话,地球的未来就岌岌可危了。It is probable that life exists outside of our planet.在我们星球之外的地方可能还存在着生命。Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.绿色和平组织致力于促使人们了解当前威胁地球的危机。The depletion of the ozone layer has been one of the most dramatic discoveries about our planet in recent years.臭氧层变薄是近年来关于地球的最惊人的发现之一。We know of no other planet with an atmosphere like that of the Earth. 据我们所知,没有一个行星有地球那样的大气层。Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。Worldwide pollution threatens to make the planet uninhabitable.全球性的污染正威胁着这个星球使之不再适于居住。




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