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词汇 planning
例句 Tony's planning to give skiing a try this winter.托尼打算今年冬天试着滑滑雪。Many mistakes were made in planning the project.这个项目在规划时出了很多差错。They are planning a new high-speed railway to link the two capitals.他们正计划修建一条新的高速铁路将这两个首都连接起来。We're planning to go biking tomorrow.我们计划明天去骑自行车。Today most planning authorities enforce fairly strict guidelines on new houses.现在,大多数建筑规划当局对建设新住房都实施比较严格的指导原则。Some relatives of the victims are planning to sue.受害者的一些亲戚在计划提出起诉。We must not rush into anything without careful planning.任何事情没有经过仔细筹划就不可贸然从事。Careful planning made the party a success.精心的筹划使得聚会很成功。I'm only going on what I overheard him saying to Chris, but I think he's planning to leave next month.我是仅凭无意中听到他跟克里斯说的一些话作出的判断,但是我觉得他打算下个月离开。Traffic jams are often an outgrowth of poor urban planning.交通堵塞往往是因城市规划不力造成的。We're planning a trip to the Orient.我们正计划着到东方去旅游。The company is planning to consolidate its business activities at a new site in Arizona.这家公司正计划在亚利桑纳州的新址整合他们的业务活动。The project is still at the planning stage.这个项目还处在规划阶段。We're planning to ask them to dinner soon.我们打算一会儿请他们来吃饭。With a little more forward planning, we could have avoided these problems.预先稍作安排的话,我们本可以避免这些问题。With a bit of forward planning we make sure your budget goes as far as possible.事先稍作打算,我们可以保证让你的预算尽量发挥作用。Town planning of a kind got underway after the war.战后进行了名不副实的城市规划。You should have made it plain to us what you were planning to do.你早该跟我们说清楚你打算做什么。The problem is not their lack of funding, but rather their lack of planning.问题不在于他们缺少资金,而在于缺乏计划。We need to do some brainstorming before we get down to detailed planning.在进行详细计划之前我们需要集思广益。She indicated in her letter that she's planning to arrive next week.她在信中说她计划在下周抵达。She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America.她正计划到埃及和美国度一个长假。By planning for retirement, you can make it a happy and rewarding time of your life.把退休生活计划一下,就可以过得愉快而有意义。We're only planning on renting the house out for a few years.我们计划把房子只出租三五年。She never gave us any inkling of what she was planning.她从未向我们透露过一丝一毫她的打算。When I knew that they were planning something criminal, I got out fast.当我发觉他们在策划犯罪活动时,我立即退出了。The police accused the woman of planning a huge armed bank raid in Scotland.警方指控这名女子在苏格兰策划一场大型的银行武装劫案。The new system is still in the planning stages.新体系仍处于规划阶段。We're planning to do over the kitchen next year.我们计划明年翻修厨房。I have started planning out what I shall be doing next week.我已开始详细安排下周要干的事儿了。The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.目标是将计划生育纳入社区生活中。Long-term planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's steady economic growth.战后的长期规划为该国经济稳定发展打下基础。The board are planning a restructuring which could mean hundreds of redundancies.董事会正在计划进行重组,这可能会导致几百人被裁员。We are planning for our excursion next week.我们正在为下周的远足作准备。The company are planning to close down, and we've all been given two weeks’ notice.公司打算停业,我们都提前两周收到了解雇通知。The government is planning to introduce quotas on sugar production.政府正计划对糖的生产设定限额。They're planning to widen the road outside our house.他们计划拓宽我们房子外的道路。After months of planning and anticipation, the Florida trip was kind of a letdown.虽经几个月的计划与期盼,这次佛罗里达之行却有点儿令人失望。British Coal is planning to extend its operations in Wales.英国煤炭公司正在计划把业务扩展到威尔士。We are planning to knock this project off in a weekend.我们计划用一个周末把这个项目完成。




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