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词汇 boring
例句 Skiing is old-fashioned, elitist and boring.滑雪是一种过时的、精英主义的无聊运动。"Big", "boring", "purple", and "obvious" are all adjectives.“大的”、“无聊的”、“紫色的”以及“明显的”这些词都是形容词。The book covers the topic of grammar at a level of detail that most people would find boring.这本书包含的语法主题太过翔实,以至使大部分人感到厌烦。Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.不要一边去上班一边想着工作太无聊,要积极一些。If we agreed all the time it would be a bit boring, wouldn't it?.如果我们总是意见一致,就会有点无趣,对吗?They were boring for water.他们在凿井取水。I read it, but I skipped the boring bits.我读过了,但跳过了乏味的部分。The party was awful: the guests were boring and the food was diabolical. 聚会糟透了:宾客们都很无聊,食物也很差。Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, poorly-paid work.他们没什么资质,一辈子都得做枯燥乏味而且报酬很低的工作。It was the most boring movie imaginable!这部电影要多无聊有多无聊。The game was boring for the spectators.这场比赛对观众来说很乏味。The game was boring and my attention began to wander. 这场比赛很无聊,我开始走神了。It's boring, but please bear with it.是很没劲,但还是要请你忍耐一下。The special effects were good, but the story was boring.特技效果不错,但故事情节很乏味。At the risk of seeming boring , I don't think we should try it.恕我冒昧,我认为我们不应该去尝试。This party is boring. I'm out of here.这个聚会很无聊,我要走了。The work was boring but there was the chance to learn a bit about joinery.工作虽然枯燥,但有机会学些细木工手艺。Do you really want to come with us? It'll be very boring for you.你真想和我们一起去吗?你会感到很无聊的。Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.抄写数字是项既无趣又机械的工作。They looked like boring, trainspotter types.他们看起来像是那种乏味的书呆子。She felt boring and unfashionable.她感到自己既乏味又不合潮流。He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.他会抱怨不得不和这么一群无聊的老家伙待在一起。All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.没有学历使他们一辈子都得从事枯燥乏味而且通常报酬很低的工作。Let's turn over – this is really boring.我们换台吧,这节目真无聊。The play was so boring, I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.这出戏太乏味了,我差点睡着了。He was boring people with more of his hard-luck stories.他又在用他那些不幸遭遇来烦人了。This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.这工作太单调了,我希望能做些更有创造性的事情。I don't want some boring job in an office!我不想在办公室里干份无聊的工作!I found the play boring and the characters unrealistic.我觉得那部戏剧很无聊,人物也不真实。She found her job boring.她觉得她的工作很无聊。For years he had plodded along in a series of boring office jobs.多年来他一直慢条斯理地干着枯燥乏味的办公室工作。Most people who see a baseball game for the first time think it's pretty boring.大部分人第一次看棒球比赛都会觉得这种运动相当沉闷。I thought the play was, dare I say it, boring.据我的浅见,这部戏枯燥乏味。If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I'll scream.要是再让我坐着等这么个无聊的会结束,我非得尖叫不可。The first part of the book is pretty boring, but it gets a lot better as the story goes on.这本书的第一部分挺无聊的,但随着故事的发展就好看多了。They're a pretty boring lot.他们是相当无聊的人。It was boring to sit there without anything to do.无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。The scenery was boring, the people even more so.风景很单调乏味,人更是如此。It was boring to the nth degree.那事令人厌烦透顶。




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