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词汇 bordering
例句 The land bordering the Hudson will become Elysium for them.哈得孙河沿岸的地方将成为他们理想的乐园。He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信。Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria.萨姆来的时候处于一种近乎于歇斯底里的兴奋状态。Jordan holds a key position, bordering both Israel and Iraq.约旦与以色列和伊拉克接壤,处在关键的地理位置上。Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.近乎鲁钝的天真使他坚守自己的信仰。He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance.他是一个典型的好炫耀者,有一种近乎傲慢的自负。The convention, signed by the six states bordering the Black Sea, aims to reduce current pollution levels.黑海周边六国签署的这份公约旨在降低目前的污染程度。




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