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Toni's views on the Kyoto Treaty were echoed by her fellow workers.托妮对于《京都议定书》的看法引起了同事的共鸣。She comes across as a more sympathetic character in the movie.她在影片中扮演的角色更能引起观众的共鸣。He writes songs that people can really relate to.他写一些真正能够引起人们共鸣的歌曲。Her message is resonating with many evangelicals.她的理念引起了许多福音派信徒的共鸣。Mr Jenkins' arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe's two most powerful politicians.詹金斯先生关于稳定的论点引起了欧洲两位最有影响的政治家的共鸣。Many readers identify with the characters in her novels.许多读者与她小说中的角色产生了共鸣。His story didn't have much resonance with the audience.他的故事没有在听众中产生多少共鸣。The show seemed to connect with audiences.这场表演似乎使观众产生了共鸣。He knew that what he was saying had touched a chord.他知道,他说的那番话引起了共鸣。She truly connects with her audience in concert.音乐会上,她真正与观众产生了共鸣。She identified strongly with the main character in the play.她与戏里的主人公产生了强烈共鸣。Her speech resonated with voters. 她的演讲引起了选民的共鸣。Many of the things she says will strike a chord with other young women.她说的许多话都能引起其他年轻女子的共鸣。Their story is bound to strike a chord with all parents.他们的故事一定会引起所有父母的共鸣。Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones.由于从小生活在儿童院,我对小家伙们产生了强烈的共鸣。Modern art just doesn't speak to me.现代艺术实在引不起我的共鸣。Her feelings are echoed by other parents whose kids have left home.她的感受引起了子女在外的其他父母的共鸣。Her comments about political corruption clearly struck a chord with many voters.她对政治腐败的评论显然引起了众多选民的共鸣。 |