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词汇 border
例句 There are reports of intermittent fighting along the border.有报道说边境线上的战事时有发生。Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。These border areas are among the most lawless regions in the world.这些边境地区是世界上最没有法纪的区域。We have solved all but the border problems.我们已解决了除边界问题外的所有其它问题。Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.他们认为格雷藏在法国和意大利边境附近。There were very few border controls on the south-western frontier.西南国界上没几个边境检查站。Ethiopia shares its longest border with Somalia.埃塞俄比亚与索马里接壤的边界最长。Western diplomatic sources confirmed reports of fighting over the border.西方外交界消息人士证实在边境发生战斗的消息。He was never able to get past the border guards.他从未能够通过边防哨兵的检查。The two governments are to hold discussions on the border issue.两国政府将就边界问题举行会谈。Jordan reopened its border with Iraq.约旦重新开放了与伊拉克的边界。Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突。The border guards asked to see my papers.边界守卫要求查看我的证件。They are massing troops on the border.他们正在边境集结部队。The customs officer at the border waved us through.边境的海关官员挥手叫我们通过。A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out.已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的方案。Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.成百上千的难民涌过边境。He drove us right up to the Russian border.他开车一直把我们送到俄罗斯边境。Refugees who reach the border may be turned back.到达边境的难民可能会被勒令折返。Once she was out of their clutches, she fled across the border.她一摆脱他们的控制就逃过了边界。He led his men on a cross-border raid.他带领部下进行了跨边界突袭。The only way we could get into the country was by bribing the border officials.我们要进入这个国家,唯一的办法是贿赂边境官员。The budget surplus could be used to hire and train more border guards.多出的预算可以用来雇用和训练更多的边防警卫。They finally crossed the border after a nightmare journey through enemy territory.经过一场穿越敌方领土的噩梦之旅,他们终于越过了边境。Refugees have been warned not to attempt to cross the border.难民已受到警告,不可试图穿越边境。Their army unit guarded the border.他们的军队分队驻守在边境。We hitched a ride with a trucker who took us all the way to the Virginia border.我们搭了一辆路过的货车,司机一路把我们送到弗吉尼亚州的州界。We tried to locate the border of the property.我们试图确定那处房产的边界。The border is patrolled by the army.边境有部队巡逻。If we need more guns, we can make a run across the border.我们如果需要更多的枪炮,可以越过边境去偷运。The border war has been wasteful and destructive.边境上的战争毫无意义,且具破坏性。Terror-stricken refugees fled across the border.惊恐万状的难民逃着越过边境。He stitched a design along the border of the tablecloth.他沿着桌布边缘缝制了一个图案。Traders generally travel safely through the border.商人通常可以安全通过边界。Parliament has recognised the inviolability of the current border.国会承认了当前边界的不可侵犯性。Soldiers are on patrol along the border.士兵们在边境巡逻。The two countries have had frequent border disputes.两国经常发生边界纠纷。Refugees are encamped along the border.难民们露营在边界沿线。The peace talks are being held up by continued fighting on the border.和谈被边境上持续不断的战斗所耽搁。There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border.边界两边已经有军队集结。




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