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词汇 三位
例句 Three officers arrived on the scene.三位警官到达现场。All three doctors are certified as addictions specialists.三位医生都具有成瘾症专家的资质。There were three men and a woman.三位男士和一位女士。The three officials waved stiffly.三位官员拘谨地挥了挥手。I was given the names of three government officials to contact.我获得了三位可联系的政府官员的名字。Three jockeys were injured when a loose horse ran across the track.一匹脱缰的马横穿跑道,三位赛马师受了伤。The team picked up three new players in the draft.球队从本次选拔中选中了三位新球员。There are three candidates on the national ticket.全国候选人名单上有三位候选人。Three entrants were singled out for special praise.三位参与者被专门给予特殊称赞。The houses were set afire but there were only minor injuries to three residents.房屋被点燃了,不过只有三位居民受了轻伤。Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.三位海军上将和一名海军高级文员将被传讯,因为他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取行动。The movie is a story of three single women looking for true love.这部电影讲述的是三位单身女性寻找真爱的故事。That dragon lady had three gigolos under her husband's nose.那位女强人当著丈夫的面,公开有三位小白脸。Last weekend we had three people to stay.上周末我们接待了三位客人在我们家留宿。There were seven applicants for the position, including three outside candidates.有七人应征这个职位,包括三位外来的求职者。The concurrence of all three judges was that the man was guilty.三位法官都一致认为那人是有罪的。Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote.三位保守党下院议员投了弃权票。All three are Vietnam vets.三位都是越战老兵。All three are to be congratulated for doing so well.三位干得这么出色,应该向他们都表示祝贺。Her only friends are a trio of catty frenemies she hasn't seen in months.她仅有的朋友是三位好几个月都没见着的出言恶毒的假朋友真敌人。The three women worked together on a stage play, and then each went off to do her own thing.三位女子一起演出了一部舞台剧,然后分道扬镳了。He was met by a trio of smiling executives.迎接他的是三位面带笑容的主管。Three Caltech professors served on my thesis committee.加州理工学院的三位教授担任了我的论文委员会工作。The newspaper will allot a full page to each of the three mayoral candidates.报纸将给三位市长候选人中的每一位留出一整版的篇幅。I've been in a carpool with the same three women for ten years.我和那三位妇女拼车已有十年了。As a reporter, David was tougher and more tenacious than the other three.作为一名记者,戴维比其他三位要更能吃苦,更加顽强。Once upon a time there were three princes.很久很久以前,有三位王子。The settlement means that the three executives can return from gardening leave and start their new jobs.这份协议意味着三位主管可以结束园艺假期,开始新的工作。Aston Villa fell 3 places in the league after their defeat by Barnsley.阿斯顿维拉队被巴恩斯利队击败后在联赛中的排名下降了三位The three doctors tried everything humanly possible to save the patient.为抢救这病人,三位医生已竭尽全力。There are normally three judges for the national essay competition.全国散文比赛通常有三位评判。The movie follows three heroes who fight the dark forces/powers that threaten the world.电影围绕着三位主人公与威胁世界的邪恶势力斗争的主题展开。The main body of the article is given over to analysing three poets.这篇文章的主要部分用于分析三位诗人。Three of the five patients presented with fever and severe headaches.五位病人中有三位出现了发烧和剧烈头痛的症状。Three honorees were chosen for the Hall of Fame.三位获奖者入选名人堂。I grabbed my notebook and together with three fellow journalists bundled into an old taxi.我抓起笔记本,然后和三位记者同事挤进了一辆旧出租车。To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming.为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。The committee is headed by a trio of ministers.委员会由三位部长组成的小组领导。Three senators voted against the bill.三位参议员投票反对这一议案。A crazed knifeman attacked three policewomen.一个丧心病狂的持刀男子袭击了三位女警察。




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