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词汇 booty
例句 His booty from the auction included several rare antiques.他在拍卖会上的收获包括几件珍稀古董。She couldn't wait to get her booty home and try it on.她迫不及待地把购得的宝贝带回家试穿。They divided the booty among the troops.他们在部队内部瓜分了战利品。Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty.军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量艺术品收缴为战利品。The burglar escaped scot-free with the booty.窃贼带着赃物安然逃脱。She was shaking her booty.她正在扭屁股。The burglar rifled the money drawer and made off with his booty.那撬窃贼搜劫了钱柜,然后携款逃走。The bandits divided up the booty.强盗们平分赃物。




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