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词汇 booted
例句 She booted the ball across the field.她猛地把球踢到了球场的另一边。She got booted in May and has been looking for work ever since.她五月份被开除了,此后一直在找工作。He got booted out of office in the last election.他在上次选举中被赶下了台。She shoved her booted feet under the table.她把穿着靴子的脚伸到桌子底下。He booted the kids out of the orchard.他把孩子们撵出果园。After a languid bath, I booted up the computer.我懒洋洋地洗了个澡,然后打开了电脑。She was booted out of her highly paid job. 她被迫辞去了薪金丰厚的工作。His fellow students booted him out of the class.他的同学把他赶出了所属的班级。She booted up the computer.她打开了电脑。The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap.男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。Any players who start a fight will get booted from the game.任何球员打架滋事均将被罚出比赛。His wife booted him out. 他妻子把他赶出了家门。I would have booted him in the ring if he hadn't run.他要是不跑,我肯定会朝他屁股踢一脚。One guy booted the door down.一个人猛地踹倒了门。The goalkeeper booted the ball upfield.守门员一脚把球踢向前场。He was a terrible dancer and was booted off the show after the first week. 他跳舞跳得遭透了,第一个星期以后就被踢出了演出团队。He booted the ball up to the other end of the playing field.他猛地一脚把球踢到球场的另一头去。They booted me off the project.他们把我逐出了这个项目。He booted the door and it crashed open.他对准门猛踢一脚,一下子把它蹬开。Golden parachutes entitle them to a full year's salary if they get booted out of the company.根据金降落伞条款,如果被解雇,他们应得到一整年的工资作为补偿。I was in a loading zone and a cop booted me out.我当时在装货区,一名警察把我撵开。He left public service after voters booted him from the mayor's office. 市长连任竞选失利以后,他退出了公共服务领域。His girlfriend has booted him out.他的女朋友抛弃了他。The tourists were booted out of the country on spy charges.这些旅游者被以间谍罪驱逐出境。




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