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词汇 一贯
例句 This magazine is constantly making scurrilous attacks on politicians.这家杂志一贯对政治家进行毁谤性攻击。She is known for her unfailing optimism.她以一贯乐观而闻名。The rule has always been that you don't inform on a friend.不告发朋友是一贯的规矩。Whatever his wants, he has always been honest.不管他有什么短处,他的为人还是一贯正直的。In the report, the incidence of violent crime is consistently understated.报告里,暴力犯罪的发生率一贯被少报。James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.举止优雅、风度翩翩且派头十足是詹姆斯·邦德一贯的形象。You always were a stubborn creature.一贯是个倔强家伙。She performed the task with her accustomed ease.她以一贯的轻松自如完成了任务。She clapped her hands and broke into one of her huge smiles.她拍着手,一下子露出了她一贯的灿烂笑容。The police issued the usual ritual apology.警方发表了一贯例行公事式的道歉。Bennett accepted the award with typical modesty.贝内特以他一贯的谦虚接受了奖品。It's something I have consistently denied.这是我一贯否认的事情。Her reply was typical of her constant regard for self.她的答复明显说明她一贯只想着私利。I knew he would say that. He's so predictable.我就知道他会那样说。他这个人一贯如此。He wasn't his usual ebullient self.一贯热情洋溢的他一反常态,跟换了个人似的。We've been too indiscreet, to say the least.至少可以说,我们一贯太轻率。His long-suffering wife had to put up with his numerous affairs.他那一贯受气的妻子不得不忍受他的诸多风流韵事。Her relentless optimism held the team together.一贯的乐观精神使队伍团结一心。GM maintains a long-standing policy of not commenting on market speculation and rumour.通用汽车公司一贯的政策是,对市场的投机行为和谣传不作评论。I'd like to thank you all for your unfailing support.我想感谢大家一贯的支持。To acquire that level of skill requires years of training and an unfailing belief in yourself.要想获得那种程度的技巧需要多年的培训和一贯的自信。There's the usual finger-pointing when mistakes are made.出了错误后又是一贯的相互指责。Fred acted with his accustomed shrewdness.弗雷德以他一贯的精明作风行事。This newspaper is dependable, it always tells the truth.这张报纸很可靠,一贯报导真实情况。He greeted us in his usual friendly fashion.他以一贯的友好方式向我们打招呼。She set about the problem with her usual energy.带着一贯的干劲,她开始处理这一问题。He soon recovered his habitual geniality.他很快便恢复了他一贯的热情友好。Mrs Quilley greeted the guests with typical charm and confidence.奎里太太以她一贯的魅力和自信招呼客人。Henin gave a typically gritty performance, coming back from 4-0 down.海宁表现出一贯的坚毅,把零比四落后的比分扳回。Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip.汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess.他工作一贯讲求精密准确,从不凭偶然或猜测。There was the usual romantic postscript at the end of his letter - PS I love you.他的信末又是一贯浪漫的附笔——附: 我爱你。The director's new movie is a return to his signature style.这位导演的新电影又回归了他一贯的风格。The company has a long tradition of serving its customers well.这家公司一贯秉承为顾客提供周到服务的传统。His designs show a love of simplicity which is very much his hallmark.他的设计显示出对简约风格的偏爱,这正是他一贯的特点。He was unfailingly polite to customers.一贯对顾客彬彬有礼。With characteristic impetuosity, he announced he was leaving school.一贯冲动的他宣称要退学。His songs are always strong on melody.他的歌曲一贯以旋律见长。The best thing about Alan is he's always honest.艾伦最好的一点就是他一贯诚实。He gave her his usual pat excuses.他给她的是一贯敷衍的借口。




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