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词汇 reinforced
例句 The soldiers reinforced the barricades with sandbags.士兵们用沙袋加固了路障。The prison was made of reinforced concrete.监狱是钢筋混凝土结构的。A reinforced concrete dome, two metres thick, protects the radioactive core of the nuclear reactor.一个两米厚的钢筋混凝土圆顶保护着核反应堆的放射性活性区。The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.绍森德的海堤正在用大量的水泥加固。These negative images are continually being reinforced by the media.媒体反复强化这些负面形象。She reinforced the elbows of the jacket. 她把这件夹克的肘部加了两个补丁。The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.地基必须进行加固以防房屋继续下陷。These experiences reinforced my conviction that music helps learning.这些经历增强了我的信念:音乐有助于学习。They are reinforced with steel for extra strength.产品都加了钢,以增加强度。His behaviour merely reinforced my dislike of him.他的行为只能使我更讨厌他。Two huge reinforced-concrete portal frames running from east to west are stabilized by the curved walls.两个巨型混凝土门式钢架横跨东西,弧形墙体使其保持稳定。Like all the clothes in the range it has specially reinforced seams.跟这一系列的所有衣服一样,这一件也有特别加固缝。The civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.内战加剧了经济领域的离心倾向。He centers his constructions around reinforced concrete or steel skeletons.他的建筑主要是以钢筋混凝土或钢为骨架的。The launching pad was reinforced to withstand tremendous shock.发射台经加固以承受巨大冲力。The ship's hull is reinforced with armor plate/plating.那条船的船体由装甲钢板加固。Troops and police have been reinforced in the southern Pakistan city of Hyderabad.巴基斯坦南部的海得拉巴市已增派了军队和警力。The levees will need to be reinforced.防洪堤需要加固。The door was built of oak, heavily reinforced with iron.这道门用橡木制成,用铁牢牢加固。The walls are reinforced with steel rods.这些墙是用钢筋加固的。The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal plate.木梁用金属板加固了。The latest injustices reinforced the popular urge to revolt.最近的不义行动激化了人民发动起义的迫切性。Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.我方营地靠直升机空投加强补给。His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.他成功抑制了通货膨胀,锻炼了经济治理能力。Our prejudices are subtly reinforced in many different ways.我们的偏见以种种方式在不知不觉中加深。If fighting worsens, the troops might be reinforced, or ingloriously withdrawn.如果战事恶化,部队要么得到增援,要么不光彩地撤退。A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge.一排钢筋混凝土柱子支撑着桥梁。I've reinforced the elbows of this jacket with leather patches.我已用皮片加固了这件茄克衫的肘部。The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.一绺绺散乱颤动的头发使她那幽灵似的面容显得更加可怕。His cheeky chappy image is reinforced by the spiky hair and the wide grin.他那直立的头发和咧着嘴的笑容使他更像个厚脸皮的家伙。This sense of privilege tends to be reinforced by the outside world.这种优越感往往会被外部世界强化。Its windows were of reinforced glass.它的窗户装的是强化玻璃。The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks.储液罐已加固以防破裂或泄漏。The message that you should not drink and drive needs to be constantly reinforced.要时时提醒自己不能酒后开车。It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.这件事一定让我更加坚定决心要融入所处环境。The body is made of mineral-reinforced thermoplastic.主体材料是矿物增强热塑性塑料。




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