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词汇 猛击
例句 I lost my temper and belted into him.我勃然大怒,向他猛击The boxer peppered his opponent with punches.那位拳击手不停地猛击对手。The boxers were really pounding each other.拳击手当时确实在不停地互相猛击I gave him a sock on the jaw.我朝他的下巴猛击一拳。He dug both his fists into the soldier's middle.他双拳猛击那个士兵的肚子。Two thugs clubbed him with baseball bats.两个暴徒用棒球棒猛击他。Someone bashed him on the back of his head.有人猛击他的后脑勺。He popped the child on the jaw.猛击孩子的颌部。The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.拳击手看准机会朝着对手的下颚猛击过去。Smith lammed into his opponent in the last round.史密斯在最后一个回合中猛击对手。He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.他冲着暴戾的父亲的头部猛击了一下,把他打死了。Tom pounded the table angrily.汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。The boxer laced into his opponent.拳击手猛击对手。The woman gave us a make on the guy who slugged her.那妇女向我们指认了那个猛击她的人。Levin was knocked unconscious by the impact.莱文被那记猛击打得失去了知觉。He struck out wildly at the police officers.他疯狂猛击警察。I did fight him, I punched him but it was like hitting a wall.我确实和他打了起来,我挥拳向他猛击,但就像打在墙上一样。The boxing champion hung one on his challenger in the second round.在第二回合中拳击冠军向他的挑战对手猛击一拳。Someone bashed him on the nose.有人猛击他的鼻子。She got a bash on the head.她的头部受到了一记猛击Rochester was banging his fists on the wall, raging incoherently.罗切斯特挥拳往墙上猛击,气得语无伦次。He got a nasty bang on the head.他头上被猛击了一下。He planted a punch on the other boxer's nose. 他朝对方拳击手的鼻子猛击了一下。I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里。The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。He broke into the old man's house and bludgeoned him with a hammer.他闯进了老人的房子,用铁锤猛击老人。As I pounded the punchbag in the studio I imagined that it was Ed.我在摄影棚里猛击吊袋,把它想象成埃德。He hit the peg mightily on the top with a mallet.他用木槌猛击钉头。He belted the ball down the fairway.他用力猛击,高尔夫球飞向了球道。Jackson hit Brian hard with his left fist and knocked him out.杰克逊左手出拳猛击布赖恩,把他打昏了。Someone bashed him over/on the head with a chair.有人用椅子猛击他的头。Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs.防暴警察朝天鸣枪,并用警棍一阵猛击He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained.他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw.他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。Someone nailed him on the head with a rock.有人用石头猛击了他的头。The boxers hit each other with their fists.拳击选手用拳头相互猛击对方。She elbowed him sharply in the ribs.她用肘猛击他的肋部。He hit him hard in the stomach.猛击他的肚子。The blow sent him sprawling.这一猛击把他打趴在地上。I hit him with all the force I could muster.我使上全身气力向他猛击




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