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Rabbits breed families rapidly.兔子一窝一窝繁殖快。This litter produced two males and seven females.这一窝产下两只雄仔和七只雌仔。It was the finest puppy in a litter of six.它是一窝六崽中最好的一只小狗。A family of mice had made their nest in the roof.一窝老鼠在房顶上安了家。This puppy is the prize of the litter.这只小狗是这一窝中特别逗人喜爱的一只。There are twelve chickens in this hatch.这一窝有十二只小鸡。A family of birds has built a nest on our roof.一窝鸟在我们家房顶上筑了一个巢。Our cat, Elsie, just had a litter of six kittens.我们那只叫埃尔茜的猫刚生下一窝六只小猫。His dog hasn't had a litter of puppies.他的狗还没有生过一窝小狗。She lays a clutch of four eggs on average.这只雌鸟平均一窝下四只蛋。How often does this dog have puppies?这条狗隔多久生一窝小狗?They were trying to find food for their brood.它们正设法为自己的一窝雏鸟觅食。The bird was trying to find food for its brood.鸟儿在为牠的一窝小鸟觅食。 |