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词汇 一棵
例句 He was caricatured as a turnip.在漫画里他被画成了一棵大头菜。We sat beneath a shady tree.我们坐在一棵成荫的树下。They found shelter from the storm under a large oak tree.他们在一棵大橡树下躲避暴风雨。Others seek the Goddess's energies in the strength and grace of a tall tree.其他人从一棵大树的力与美中寻觅女神的力量。The branches of huge chestnuts overhung the narrow lane that led to the house.一棵棵高大栗子树的树枝高悬在通向房屋的狭窄小道之上。The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees.一棵棵高大橡树的枝条随风摇摆。As soon as it began to rain they took cover under a big tree.一开始下雨,他们就躲到一棵大树下避雨。I've planted a small apple tree in the garden.我已经在花园里栽了一棵小苹果树。This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.这整个快要散架的搭建物吊挂在一棵枝繁叶茂的大树的枝杈上。To her right was an orange tree.她的右边是一棵橘子树。In the garden stood an old apple tree with low branches, just made for climbing.花园里有一棵古老的苹果树,树枝很低,正好可以爬上去。Then something came whizzing past my ear and lammed into a yellow birch tree.然后有什么东西呼地飞过我的耳边,猛地撞在一棵黄桦树上。I remember my father bringing home a huge Christmas tree.我记得父亲带回家一棵巨大的圣诞树。An enormous oak tree stands at the entrance to the school.学校门口长着一棵硕大的栎树。He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate.他撞到了北门旁边的一棵松树上。He led the way to the shade of a large tree.他领路走到一棵大树的树荫下。They strung wires from tree to tree.他们把一棵棵树用金属线连在一起。An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.一棵结方形苹果的树令专家大惑不解。They planted an oak tree in the middle of the field.他们在田地中央种了一棵橡树。A fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的树堵塞了道路。They were standing under the shelter of a huge tree.他们站在一棵大树下躲着。He went into the jungle, searching until he found a fallen tree of a certain species of hardwood.他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。They discovered a partially digested mouse in the trunk of one of their carnivorous plants.他们在一棵食肉植物的主干里,发现了一只已部分消化的老鼠。An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.一棵橡树的影子投射在一洼圆形的小水池上。A paw-paw tree, a bean plant, and a flowering gourd grew in our tiny fenced compound.我们的小篱笆院里有一棵番木瓜树、一株豆荚和一株开花的葫芦。A big tree fell across the ditch.一棵大树横贯沟渠倒下。She sat under an apple tree.她坐在一棵苹果树下。This is a fine specimen of a walnut tree.这是一棵上等的胡桃树。The road was partly blocked by a fallen tree.一棵倒下的树堵住了部分路面。A couple had a narrow escape when a tree fell just in front of their car.一对夫妇险些被一棵恰好倒在他们汽车前的大树砸死。Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。The book eventually became a money-maker for its publisher.这本书最终成为出版商的一棵摇钱树。The branch grew into a tree that had magic powers.那根树枝长成了一棵具有魔力的树。Aweather-beaten tree stood next to the old house.一棵饱经风雨的树矗立在旧房子旁边。A large tree obstructed the road.一棵大树挡住了道路。There's an enormous oak tree at the edge of the garden.花园的边缘有一棵巨大的橡树。She reckoned she'd found herself a nice little earner when she took on that shop.她接手那个商店时认为自己找到了一棵摇钱树。I sat beneath the leafy branches of a tree.我坐在一棵枝叶繁茂的树下。We found a shady nook under an old oak tree.我们在一棵老橡树下找到了一个阴凉的角落。A house nearby had been struck by a falling tree.附近的一幢房子被一棵倒下的树击中了。




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