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词汇 一案
例句 Police are investigating the disappearance from council offices of confidential files.警察正在调查市政办公室机密档案被盗一案She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.她开始痛斥警方对她车内被窃一案不够关注。The two men have denied being involved in Troy's kidnapping and murder.这两名男子否认与特洛伊被绑架和谋杀一案有关。The woman was charged as an accessory in their daughter's rape.在他们女儿被强奸一案中,这个女人被控为从犯。The payroll robbery was an inside job.抢劫待发工资一案是内线串通了强盗合伙干的。Pretrial hearings on kidnap charges against them took place last month.关于他们被指控绑架一案的预审于上月进行。An elderly woman froze to death, an inquest heard yesterday.调查团昨日审理了老妇冻死一案Larry Layton's trial is going full tilt right now.拉里·莱顿一案的审判工作即将全面展开。Police seem to have reached a dead end in the dismembered model case.警方在模特被肢解一案中似乎走进了死胡同。How much do you know about the Moore case?穆尔一案你了解多少?The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.你被裁员一案将由一个独立的审理委员会来审理。This evidence is the kernel of the defendants' case.这项证据是被告一案的关键。We are waiting for a court decision on Smith versus Watts.我们正等待着法庭关于史密斯对沃茨一案的裁决。Bo was left to take the rap for Victor's murder.波被迫给维克托被杀一案顶罪。




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