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One thing lead to another and, before I knew it, I had invited her family to stay.就这样一来二去的,我在不知不觉间已经邀请她的家人住下了。One thing led to another and we ended up dating.一来二去,我们就约会上了。Cathy and I hit it off on our first date. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we were engaged.我和凯茜第一次约会就很投缘。一来二去,我们很快就订婚了。You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it.你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。At first, we were just talking a little, but one thing led to another, and he asked me out.起初我们只是一起说说话,一来二去,他就约我出去了。 |