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词汇 一时期
例句 Sales increased almost fourfold in this period.一时期销售额几乎增长了三倍。Venetian art in this period was a closed world.一时期的威尼斯艺术是一个封闭的世界。This period is poorly represented in the geological record.地质学资料对这一时期的记载非常贫乏。The achievements of this period were without precedent in history.一时期取得的成就是史无前例的。Details of this period of Shakespeare's life remain obscure.对莎士比亚这一时期的生活详情仍然不清楚。This period represented a high water mark for liberal denominations.一时期代表了自由主义教派的全盛时期。No reference to their existence appears in the literature of the period.一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。Prices have remained constant over this period.价格在这一时期保持不变。Writing the history of this period is like nailing jelly to the wall.试图书写这一时期的历史纯属白费力气。In this period politics became polarized between extreme right and left.一时期的政界分化成极右和极左两大派。During this period, politics became his consuming interest.一时期,政治成了他强烈的兴趣所在。Most government files from the period are now open to scrutiny.一时期的大部分政府文件现在可以公开查阅。At that stage of her career she was still under contract to one of the big Hollywood studios.在事业发展中的那一时期,她仍同好莱坞一家大型电影公司有合约。The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.总统没能认识到我们这一时期最重要的两个社会问题。The period can be divided into three distinct phases.一时期可以分为三个截然不同的阶段。The fuller data set for this period permits a much more detailed analysis.一时期更完整的数据集为更加详细的分析提供了可能。Silver coins of this period are not common, and could be very valuable.一时期的银币不常见,可能很值钱。The period was marked by a succession of financial crises.一时期的特点是金融危机此起彼伏。Her account of the period is historically accurate.她对那一时期的描述与历史相符。No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。During this period the family unit becomes the natural social grouping.在这一时期里,家庭成了自然的社会群落。His works exemplify the taste of the period.他的作品代表了这一时期的品位。The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.一时期见证了葡萄酒业的大复兴。His whereabouts were quite unknown during this period.一时期他几乎是下落不明。




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