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The package deal includes some nice extras.这份一揽子交易包括一些额外的好处。The Unionists dismiss the accord as a package of concessions to the IRA.统一党党员不接受该协定,认为是对爱尔兰共和军的一揽子让步。He announced his reform package for the NHS.他宣布了他改革英国国民医疗保健系统的一揽子方案。The company offers bonuses, stock options, and a generous benefit package.这家公司提供奖金、股份和一揽子丰厚的津贴。This constitutes one of the key elements in their reform package.这构成了这一揽子改革计划的关键要素之一。The union accepted a package deal including higher pensions.工会接受了包括提高退休金在内的一揽子协议。Congress adjourned for the year without approving an economic stimulus package.国会还没批准经济刺激一揽子计划就进入年度休会了。The congress agreed to the tax-cutting package.大会通过了减税的一揽子计划。To nearly everyone's amazement, the president signs the omnibus package.令几乎所有人吃惊的是,总统签署了这项综合性的一揽子协议。This year's budget package has been formally approved by parliament.今年的一揽子预算已经得到议会的正式批准。The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade.领导层讨论了计划采取的一揽子经济措施,以减轻这一封锁带来的影响。Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.报告称柏林正在制订一揽子的莫斯科援助计划。Germany's BMW announced a financial package for its loss-making British subsidiary.德国宝马汽车公司宣布了一项金融一揽子计划来援助亏损的英国子公司。Congress passed the President's economic stimulus package.国会通过了总统的经济刺激一揽子计划。The President vetoed the economic package passed by Congress.总统否决了国会通过的一揽子经济计划。The Commission attempted to bring all three proposals into one package deal.委员会试图将全部三项提议作为一揽子交易。Management tried to soften the impact of the layoffs by offering early retirement packages. = They tried to soften the blow by offering early retirement packages.管理层试图通过提出提前退休一揽子计划来减少裁员的影响。The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院搁置了政治分歧,以通过有关援助的一揽子计划。They presented their proposals to the committee as a package deal.他们以一揽子计划的形式向委员会提出了自己的建议。The province wanted independence as part of the package deal.该省想把独立当作一揽子交易的内容之一。Union leaders say the wage package is the best they believe the cash-strapped government will offer.工会领导人说,财政困难的政府能答应的充其量是一揽子工资方案。The warplanes package could not have been proposed at a more inopportune time.有关军用飞机的这一揽子交易可以说是在一个最不恰当的时刻提出来的。The package includes a balloon flight over the city.一揽子旅行包括在城市上空的热气球飞行。The government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry.政府已经公布了帮助英国电影产业的一揽子措施。 |