例句 |
A couple was having a stand-up row in the street.一对夫妇正在街上大吵大闹。A couple rattles around in a house sized for rearing several children.一对夫妇住在一幢足够养育好几个孩子的空落落的大宅里。That pair are on very good terms with each other.那一对夫妇关系非常好。There was a man and his wife and a tertium quid.有一对夫妇及一名关系暧昧的第三者。A couple were arguing out in the street.一对夫妇在街上争吵。A couple had a narrow escape when a tree fell just in front of their car.一对夫妇险些被一棵恰好倒在他们汽车前的大树砸死。 |