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词汇 一家人
例句 Families can be far-flung and relatively isolated.一家人有时会天各一方,形单影只。The family appeared at the press conference but made no substantive comments.一家人在记者招待会上露了面,但未发表任何实质性的评论。It was her job to light a fire every morning before the family got up.每天早上在一家人起来前生好火是她的职责。This situation has split the family up.这种情况将这一家人拆散了。You're always welcome here because you're family.你可以随时过来,因为咱们是一家人A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family.一家人去岩洞一日游有趣而又刺激。Our family was on the move for five years until dad found a good job.在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home.我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。Betty's very friendly with the Jacksons.贝蒂同杰克逊一家人非常要好。They flagged down a passing family who stopped to help them.他们向路过的一家人示意,那家人便停下来帮助他们。He tried to feed and house his family.他设法为一家人解决吃住问题。The feast pleased my epicurean family.这场盛宴使我酷爱美食的一家人大饱口福。Her family became very friendly with their neighbors, the Mayers.她家与邻居迈耶一家人非常要好。These horrific events brought the family closer.这些可怕的事件使一家人更加亲密无间。She was the only one in the family he could talk to.一家人当中唯有她才会听他诉说心事。We're very much a family, and we stick together.我们就像是一家人,大家紧密地联系在一起。The family took up temporary residence in the manor house.一家人临时在庄园宅邸住下了。The family struggled through the next few years.一家人在接下来的几年里咬牙挺了过来。The grandmother seems to be an anchorage for the rest of the family.奶奶似乎是一家人的精神支柱。The Henstocks were lucky enough to find lodgings in the village while they awaited a new home.亨斯托克一家人很幸运,他们在等着搬新家的时候,在村子里租到了一个公寓。The family dropped out into the country.一家人隐居到乡下去了。Without his job, his family would be doomed to a life of deprivation.他失业后,一家人注定要过贫困的生活。People in the town have been pitching in to pay the family's medical bills.镇上的人一直在出资帮这一家人支付医药费。A family has been squatting in that house for months.一家人已经擅自在那个房子里住了好几个月了。Later the family was spirited away to a secret location.后来,这一家人被偷偷带往一个秘密地点。It's impossible to bring up a family on such a low salary.靠如此低的薪水养活一家人是不可能的。Many women are left as the sole providers in families after their husband has died.很多妇女在丈夫过世后只好独自供养一家人The family's problems were exacerbated when Walter lost his job.沃尔特丢了工作,一家人的麻烦更大了。The children all share a strong family likeness.孩子们都长得很像,是一家人Families have to learn to rub along.一家人要学会和睦相处。The family faced their ordeal with dignity.一家人在磨难面前不失尊严。We're all ambitious - it seems to run in the family.我们一家人都很有抱负——好像是遗传。The family died in the blaze.一家人死于那场大火。The local government dispatched police and thugs to clear her family out, before leveling the property.地方政府派警察和暴徒把她一家人赶走,然后推平了她的房子。My starting salary as a newly qualified teacher wasn't enough to support a family.我刚刚获得教师资格,起薪养活不了一家人The family was turned out in its only finery.一家人穿着他们仅有的漂亮衣服。There is a curse on this family.一家人受到了诅咒。She keeps the family on two hundred pounds a week.她靠每周两百英镑养活一家人He may well have yearned for the closeness linking the Leigh family.他很可能渴望那种使得一家人联系在一起的亲密关系。The past few years, our family has only gotten together at Christmas.过去几年里我们一家人只是在圣诞节才聚在一起。




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