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词汇 钻石
例句 These diamonds should carry on appreciating.这些钻石应该会持续增值。To the untrained eye it looks like a real diamond.在那些外行人看来,它像一颗真钻石She picked out a ring with diamonds and emeralds.她选了一只带钻石和绿宝石的戒指。Diamonds, rubies and sapphires are precious stones.钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石都是宝石。His tie was held in place with a small diamond pin.他的领带用一枚小小的钻石饰针固定着。She wore a diamond heart around her neck.她脖子上佩带著一颗心形的钻石The diamond passed the scrutiny of the jeweler.钻石通过了珠宝商的仔细检查。He told me that it was a genuine diamond, and I was completely taken in.他跟我说那是颗真钻石,我完全受骗了。Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石A diamond, my eye!That's glass.什么,钻石! 那是玻璃。 The two sailors are caught up in a diamond-smuggling racket.两名海员因走私钻石被捕。Diamonds and pearls dangled from her ears.她的耳朵上挂着很多钻石和珍珠。Russia's main diamond producer has also been in talks with the mining company.俄罗斯的主要钻石生产商也已在与钻石开采公司谈判。That the diamonds are real is certain.钻石肯定是真的。They guarantee that the diamonds they sell are top quality.他们保证所售钻石的质量上乘。Diamond may be strong in itself, but it does not bond well with other materials.钻石本身可能很坚固,但却不易与其他物质很好地黏合。Diamond mining is a highly profitable industry. There are, however, certain risks involved.钻石开采是个高利润的产业,但其中也有某些风险。The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.钻石折射出的金色光芒令他着迷。The diamonds may look identical to you and me, but to a practiced eye , one is obviously a fake.你我可能看不出这些钻石的差别,但内行就可看出其中有一颗显然是赝品。Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.钻石是碳元素的晶体结构。There was a tiny flaw in the diamond.这颗钻石有一处微小的瑕疵。The diamond was beautifully set.这颗钻石镶嵌得十分出色。The diamond sparkled in the sunlight.钻石在太阳光下闪闪发光。The necklace was a gold band with pendent diamonds.那项圈是一个有钻石挂件的金环。The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.装饰着钻石和其他宝石的王冠被放在一个特制的橱窗里展出。This small defect greatly reduces the diamond's value.这点小瑕疵使得这颗钻石的价值大打折扣。An expert can tell at a glance whether it's a real diamond or a fake.专家一眼便可识别出钻石是真是假。A diamond's worth is determined partly by its cut and clarity.钻石的价值部分取决于它的切割和净度。She had a pair of diamond drops in her ears.她耳朵上戴着一对钻石耳坠。Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds?有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert.这些钻石城镇正逐渐重归沙漠。A diamond, my eye! That's glass!钻石,天哪!那是玻璃!My birthstone is diamond.我的诞生石是钻石She wears an engagement ring set with a huge diamond.她戴着一枚订婚戒指,上面镶嵌着一颗巨大的钻石These diamonds look like the real McCoy, but they could be fake.这些钻石看起来像是真的,但它们有可能是假的。There is a microscopic crack in the diamond.那块钻石上有个极微小的裂缝。The safe had been rifled and the diamonds were gone.保险柜被洗劫了,钻石不翼而飞。She worked as a diamond polisher.她的工作是给钻石抛光。Her wedding ring is set with seven diamonds.她的婚戒上镶嵌着七颗钻石The diamond was insured for two thousand dollars.这颗钻石投了两千美元的保险。




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