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词汇 一口
例句 Mom flatly refused to go back into the hospital.妈妈一口拒绝再进医院。Within a short space of time you could be speaking perfect English!不久你就会说上一口地道的英语!Chew each mouthful fully before the next bite.将每一口充分咀嚼后,再吃下一口He takes a slurp from a cup of black coffee.他咕嘟喝了一口清咖啡。The cobra sank its venomous fangs into his hand.眼镜蛇狠狠咬了他一口,毒牙刺进他手上的皮肤。I choked on a mouthful of tea.我喝茶呛了一口Don't drink it all; leave me a drain!不要把它喝光,留给我一口!When his whisky arrived, he knocked it back in a single gulp.他点的威士忌酒送上来后,他一口就把它喝了。If you want that last cookie, you're welcome to it—I can't eat another bite.你想吃那最后一块饼干的话,请随意我一口也吃不下了。He lingered over the chocolate cake, letting each forkful slowly dissolve in his mouth.他细细地品尝巧克力蛋糕,让每一口蛋糕在嘴里慢慢溶化。He took a long pull on his beer.他猛喝了一口啤酒。He tossed off a shot of whiskey.他猛喝了一口威士忌。I took a deep breath of the fresh sea air.我深吸了一口海边的新鲜空气。It was a delicious meal. We enjoyed every mouthful.这顿饭很不错。我们每一口都吃得津津有味。They speak a southern dialect of French.他们操一口法国南部方言。Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.在上面再加些果汁后,把它一口喝掉。I threw a piece of meat to the dog and he swallowed it in one go.我给那狗扔了一块肉,它一口就吞了下去。When his whisky came he drank half of it in one gulp.威士忌一上来,他一口就喝掉了半杯。That cheese looks good. Can I have a taste?那块干酪看上去很不错,我能尝一口吗?She raised the cigarette to her lips, intending to take a puff.她把香烟举到嘴边,打算抽一口She took too big a gulp of whisky and started to cough and splutter.她那一口威士忌喝得太多,开始咳嗽起来,嘴里噗噗地吐着气。He asked in his Germanic English if I was enjoying France.他操着一口带有德国腔的英语问我在法国玩得是否愉快。He sipped on the bottle of water.他抿了一口瓶里的水。She took a drink from the table and belted it down.她从桌上拿了一杯酒,把它一口喝下。I have never tasted spirits such as brandy and whisky.我从未喝过一口白兰地和威士忌之类的烈酒。There is an intake of breath and some of us look at each other.大家倒抽一口冷气,有些人面面相觑。If anyone accuses me I'll simply deny it.如果有人指控我,我会一口否认。Anthony devoured half his burger in one bite.安东尼一口吃掉了半个汉堡包。Alice took another long drink from the tall frosted glass.艾丽丝拿起高磨砂杯又痛饮了一口We yawn to invigorate our weary brains with a refreshing burst of oxygen.我们打呵欠为的是骤然吸入一口提神的氧气,使疲倦的大脑变得清醒。Hillsden took a sip of tea, but it was stone cold.希尔斯登啜了一口茶,但茶是冰冷的。She bit the cookie in half.一口咬掉了半块饼干。She had a suck of orange juice.她吸了一口橘子汁。Janir took a sip of the medicine and gagged at the vile taste.贾尼尔喝了一口药,那难吃的味道让他直反胃。Katherine took another sip from her glass to calm herself.凯瑟琳又抿了一口杯中的酒,竭力使自己镇静下来。He took a sip from his glass.他从杯子里抿了一口He puffed away at his cigar.一口一口猛抽着雪茄。I thought of leaning down and stealing a kiss before she knew what was happening.我想趁她没明白过来之前俯身偷吻她一口Tom took a sip of his drink.汤姆呷了一口饮料。He drank the glass of wine at one draft.一口喝干了那杯酒。




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