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They are determined to erase the bad memories of last year's defeats.他们决心彻底忘记去年的失败。They are determined to win power through the ballot box, not by violence.他们决心通过投票选举来获得权力,而不是用暴力。Room assignments are determined by lottery.房间分配由抽签决定。The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.法官判决那个人酒醉开车有罪。She was determined to get her day in court and the TV interview would give it to her.她决心要公开发表意见,接受电视采访正是一个好机会。They were so determined to learn and they were so strongly motivated.他们深受激励,决心好好学习。A diamond's worth is determined partly by its cut and clarity.钻石的价值部分取决于它的切割和净度。The men say they have been falsely accused and are determined to clear their names.那些人说他们被冤枉了,并下决心要证明自己的清白。I'm determined to get to the bottom of this, come hell or high water.不管有多大困难,我决心把这件事弄个水落石出。He's determined to speak at the Democratic convention.他决定在民主党大会上发言。An individual's metabolism is generally determined by his or her genetic make-up.一个人的新陈代谢大体上是由他或她的遗传构成决定的。Jane is determined to hold on to her fortune.简决心要守住自己的财产。The press were determined to knock the princess off the pedestal that they had put her on.新闻界决心把被他们捧上去的王妃拉下来。He was determined to keep both feet firmly planted on dry land.他坚持不下水。The energy level within an organ is determined by the vigour and regularity of its pulsations.器官的能级是由其搏动的力量和规律所决定的。We are determined that it will never happen again.我们决心不让此类事件再次发生。Hitler was determined to annex Austria to Germany.希特勒决定将奥地利并入德国。The period of maturation is determined by the cellar master.酿熟期的长短由地窖的主人决定。His second wife, Alice, was determined to alienate him from his two boys.他的第二任妻子艾丽斯,决意要疏远他和两个儿子的感情。Donald was determined to be in at the death and duly attended the shareholders' meeting at which the entire board was dismissed.唐纳德下定决心要在适当的时候参加股东大会,亲眼见证整个董事会的解散。He was an intense young man who was very determined to do well in school.他是个严肃认真的年轻人,决心要在学业上取得好成绩。They were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers.他们决意回到祖先的土地上。He is obstinate and determined and will not give up.他非常顽固,而且又铁了心,是不会放弃的。Their ultimate success has yet to be determined.他们是否取得了最终的成功还有待确定。He believes that housing prices should be determined by the market without government interference.他认为房价应由市场决定,政府不能干预。But where a less determined man might have admitted defeat, Wallace fought back with renewed vigour.意志不够坚定的人可能已经承认失败,但是华莱士却重新振作进行反击。I was determined to know the facts so that I might decide for myself.我决心了解事情的真相,以便能自己作出决定。She's a very focused and determined young woman.她是一位目标非常明确且坚决果断的年轻女性。I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.我现在不能确定导致这个问题的原因是什么,不过我一定要弄个明白。We're determined to make this year's Christmas party go with a bang.我们决心把今年的圣诞晚会办得红红火火。He was determined thenceforth to dedicate himself to his studies.他从那时起决心要努力学习。Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill.科学家们还不清楚原油泄漏的全面影响。She was determined to stay at the top of the heap now she had finally got there.既然终于到了最高层,她决心要保住这个位置。Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress.简决心主张自己作为一名女演员的权利。She was determined to shed her inhibitions and have a good time.她决心打消顾虑玩个痛快。He was determined not to let emotions cloud his vision.他决心不让感情蒙蔽自己的双眼。They are determined to hold out for total independence, however long it may take.他们决心为获得完全独立而坚持下去,不管这将需要多长时间。Mr Persson knows he must make some concessions to keep a new government afloat, but is determined to be fiscally prudent.佩尔松先生知道,要维持新政府运转,就必须作出某些让步,但他决心在财政上采取谨慎态度。Science has determined that the risk is very small.科学已经探明其危险性非常小。I tried to warn him of the danger, but he was determined to go his own way.我警告过他有危险,可他却一意孤行。 |