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词汇 deter
例句 The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.警报器通常足以使想要行窃的人罢手。Fear of failure should not deter you from trying.不应该因为害怕失败而放弃尝试。The lack of facilities in the town may deter the casual visitor.小镇上设施不全可能使那些碰巧来访的游客望而却步。The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.窗户都安上了铁栅栏,以防被故意破坏。He played an important role in international efforts to deter nuclear war.他在制止核战争的国际力量中扮演了很重要的角色。These new rules are likely to deter people from coming forward for help.新规则很可能阻碍人们寻求帮助。All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.所有的门都用砖堵了起来,以防有人故意搞破坏。The new alarm system should deter car thieves.新的警报系统会把偷车贼吓退。Will this harsher punishment effectively deter criminals?这种更严厉的惩罚能有效威慑罪犯吗 ?Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.狗能够阻拦不受欢迎的闯入者。The layout of your house and garden can deter crime.你的房子和花园的布局可预防他人行凶作恶。The skunk releases a pungent smell to deter the enemy.臭鼬释放出刺鼻的气味阻止敌人靠近。Does the death penalty deter would-be murderers?死刑能够阻止有谋杀企图者作恶杀人吗?Crime prevention officers can suggest improvements to deter burglars.预防犯罪的官员可以提出修正建议以威慑窃贼。The heavy fines should deter people from dumping garbage here.高额罚款应该能阻止人们在此处乱倒垃圾。Failure did not deter him from trying again.失败并未使他泄气罢休。Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.死刑的支持者认为它能阻吓罪犯携带枪支。The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.尽管风雨交加,一些人还是会下海游泳。They hoped that the new law would deter advertisers from making false claims.他们期望新法令能阻止广告商做虚假宣传。Her words of warning would hardly deter him.她的警告很难吓住他。The cameras will deter potential criminals. Moreover, they will help police a great deal when a crime actually is committed.这些摄像头可以威慑住潜在的罪犯。此外,当犯罪真正发生时,它们还将大大有助于警方破案。These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.这些措施旨在阻止敌人的进攻。The present system does little to deter corporate crime.目前的体制对于法人犯罪没有什么威慑作用。Arming the police doesn't deter crime.仅仅靠给警察配备武器是无法制止犯罪的。Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters.逮捕和监禁都没能吓倒抗议者。Tougher sentences would deter criminals from carrying guns.更严厉的刑罚能阻止罪犯携带枪支。Would the certainty of punishment deter criminals?犯罪必惩会吓得罪犯们住手吗?I didn't let him deter me. He was all talk.我没有被他吓倒,他只不过是说说而已。Painting the metal will deter rust.金属喷漆可以防止生锈。The penalties must be severe enough to deter lawbreakers.处罚必须严厉,使人不敢以身试法。Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.这样的声明不太可能吓住将来的移民。It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.是时候摆脱那些传统力量无法遏制的陈规陋习了。The unpleasant taste the drug produces is used to deter alcoholics from drinking.这种药产生的难闻气味被用来防止酗酒者喝酒。The raison d'être for a strategic weapon is to deter.战略武器存在的理由是遏制。




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