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例句 He was desperate to get a job.他急于找到一份工作。A kind friend put him in the way of earning a living.一位好心的朋友给他找了一份谋生的差使。 Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.希拉在一家保险公司找到一份当秘书的工作。She will soon be entering on a new career.她不久将开始一份新事业。A rival publisher brought out a spoiler.一家对手出版社发行了一份竞争刊物。A hard copy of the screen display can also be obtained from a printer.屏幕上显示的内容也可以通过打印机打印一份He edited a daily paper before he came to teach at our college.他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编。He prepared a report for his boss.他给老板写了一份报告。The group produces a monthly summary of their research.该小组每个月出一份研究总结。A good, well-paid job is hard to come by.很难找到一份薪水高的好工作。Retain a copy of the form for future reference.一份表格以备日后参考。He's got a job warming up for TV studio audiences.他找到一份工作,负责在电视节目录制前调动观众的气氛。He received a piece of paper certifying the payment of his taxes.他收到自己的一份完税证明。I'd like a large order of French fries, please.请给我来一份大份的炸薯条。Joan gave me a small gift for my birthday.琼给了我一份小小的生日礼物。Let's start with the basics - you've got a good job and a nice home.我们从基本情况开始吧,你有一份好工作和一个不错的家。The distributors and the wholesalers all get their cut, and this is what pushes up the price.经销商和批发商都要赚一份,这样价格就上涨了。The company drew up a hit list of shops it expects to close.这家公司列出了一份店铺的名单,打算向它们开刀,予以关闭。A university degree isn't always an open sesame to a good job.大学学位并非总是获得一份好工作的敲门砖。She has a job as a waitress.她有一份当服务员的工作。I sent a copy to the minister for transport.我给交通部长发送了一份副本。Ho hum, another nice job down the drain.嗬哼呣,又一份好工作打水漂了。I hope to get a job within the next two weeks.我希望能在未来两周内找到一份工作。One whisky sour and one scotch on the rocks, please.请来一份柠檬威士忌和一份加冰块的苏格兰威士忌。How does your new job compare to the last one? 与上一份工作相比,你的新工作如何?We asked the waiter for a menu.我们向侍者要了一份菜单。The chef was preparing cheese trays.厨师正在准备一份份乳酪碟。I dream that my son will attend college and find a good job.我希望儿子能上大学并找到一份好工作。Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。He asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement when they got engaged.他们订婚时他要求她签了一份婚前协议。A good insurance policy will cover the cost of goods lost or damaged in transit.一份完善的保险能够补偿运输过程中货物丢失或损坏的费用。Getting a job did a lot for her self-esteem.得到一份工作对她的自尊心很有好处。I need the money to maintain myself until I find another job.在找到另一份工作之前,我需要靠这笔钱度日。She penned a short memo to his private secretary.她给他的私人秘书写了一份简短的备忘录。I've got a temporary secretarial job, but I'm hoping to find something more permanent.我找到了一份临时的秘书工作,但我希望能找到更固定的职业。I put in an application for a job in Paris.我申请了一份工作地点在巴黎的工作。She has a well-paid job in the tax department.她在税务部门干着一份收入丰厚的工作。The store sent us a new catalog of its merchandise.商店寄给我们一份新的商品目录。It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you.这是一份绝好的工作。你得以进入一个全新的领域,一切都要靠自己。The opposition parties will enter a united slate of candidates for both houses of parliament.各反对党将联合提出一份议会两院议员候选人名单。




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