例句 |
She tied the ribbon into a neat bow.她用丝带打了一个整齐的蝴蝶结。Each isotype of a soldier in that diagram represents an entire army division.那张图表上的每个士兵形象都代表一个整师。Her hair was neatly coiled into a bun.她把头发盘成了一个整齐的圆髻。His hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail.他的头发往后梳成一个整齐的马尾辫。Gil says that women can't keep secrets. That's rich, coming from him, the professional sneak.吉尔说女人不能保守秘密。这话从他这样一个整天打小报告的人嘴里说出来真是太荒谬了。Two halves make a whole.两个半拉凑成一个整的。 |