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词汇 一下子把
例句 The local authority cannot suddenly remove the child before an adoption hearing.地方当局不可以未经过继听证就一下子把孩子强行送往孤儿院。The child popped two bars of chocolate into his mouth.孩子一下子把两块巧克力塞进嘴里。It's hard to take all this information in at once.很难一下子把全部信息消化掉。Seeing the opponent was off his guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。She snatched her hand back.一下子把手抽回来。You shouldn't chance all your money at once.你不该一下子把所有的钱都拿去冒险。He booted the door and it crashed open.他对准门猛踢一脚,一下子把它蹬开。The question stopped Alice dead in her tracks.这个问题一下子把艾丽斯问住了。Seeing the opponent was off guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。I crept to the door, and with a sudden movement, opened it wide.我蹑手蹑脚地走到门边,突然一下子把门开得大大的。He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.一下子把尖顶帽从胳膊下面掏出来戴在头上,然后把帽檐拉低盖住眼睛。I can't hold all these details in my head at once.我不能一下子把这些细节全记住。That earned a laugh from everyone.一下子把每个人都逗笑了。She took a deep breath, then expelled the air in short blasts.她深吸一口气,然后一下子把空气呼出来。The place at once enraptured me.那个地方一下子把我迷住了。He was hoping to sweep her off her feet, but she just laughed.他希望自己能一下子把她迷住,但她只是笑了笑。He gave me the answer just like that.他就这么一下子把答案告诉我了。He brought the question plumb into the open.一下子把那个问题公开化了。He swept her up into a bear hug and the crowd cheered.一下子把她紧紧抱了起来,人们发出了欢呼声。Luke plunged the needle in deep.卢克一下子把针深深地扎了进去。I scooped my son up in my arms.一下子把儿子抱起来。




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