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词汇 一下子就
例句 We spotted her easily in the crowd.我们一下子就把她从人群中认了出来。He had a fit as he walked home and died right off.他在步行回家途中突然发病,一下子就死了。We both fell asleep in an instant.我们俩都是一下子就睡着了。The answer had come to him in a flash.一下子就有了答案。The boy grabbed hold of my bag and disappeared quickly into the crowd.那男孩抢过我的包,一下子就在人群里消失了。The myth that Japan is not open to concerns from outside has, I think, been demolished at a stroke.关于日本对外界的关注不予理会的谬论,我认为,一下子就被驳倒了。She guessed my age on her first try.一下子就猜中了我的年龄。The street petered out suddenly into a waste of scrub and grass.街道通到草木凌乱的荒地,一下子就断了。In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy.银行一下子就抹杀了这项政策暂时带来的好处。As soon as the gold was all gone, these towns went to the dogs almost overnight.等到金子都淘光了,这些城镇一下子就被人遗弃,彻底完蛋了。The book has shot straight to the top of the bestseller list.这本书一下子就跃居畅销书排行榜的前列。We fell for it hook, line, and sinker.我们一下子就喜欢上了它。The handle came right off in my hand.把手一下子就从我的手中脱落。Why didn't you give me the bottom line right away?你为什么不一下子就把底细告诉我呢?He grabbed the headlines last year when he became the first man to win three Grand Prix races in a row.去年他成了连续三次在国际汽车大奖赛上夺魁的第一人,一下子就上了头条新闻。He tried skiing and took to it immediately. 他尝试了滑雪,结果一下子就喜欢上了这项运动。The brake pedal had just snapped off.刹车踏板一下子就断了。In one fell swoop he's destroyed everything we've achieved in the last year.一下子就毁掉了我们去年的所有成果。On this occasion, as it happens, the engine started immediately.这一次碰巧引擎一下子就启动了。The flowers were zapped by the cold weather.花儿在寒冷的天气中一下子就冻死了。The songs are instantly recognizable.这些歌一下子就能听出来。Jim had the wheel mended in a trice.吉姆叫人一下子就把轮子修好了。My recognition of the face was immediate.一下子就认出那张面孔了。The boss immediately took a shine to the new secretary.老板一下子就对新秘书产生好感。We'll be laughing all the way to the bank if this deal works out.如果这笔生意能成交,我们一下子就能赚很多钱。She put up her hair and suddenly she was precipitated into maturity.她把头发束起,一下子就变得像大人了。One minute he was there and then, bang, I was alone.一分钟前他还在那里,然后一下子就剩下我一个人了。When the food finally came she wolfed it down immediately.食物终于送上来了,她一下子就把它吃掉了。We can resolve this at/by/in/with one stroke.我们可以一下子就解决这个问题。I took an instant dislike to my new colleague.一下子就对新同事产生了厌恶之情。It's not to be understood in a hurry.这不是一下子就能理解的。It's a fine gas ring; it boils a kettle in a flash.这是一个很好的煤气灶,一下子就烧开一壶水。Then something seemed to snap in me.随后好像我身体里有什么东西一下子就垮塌了。With one movement, she disarmed the man and pinned him against the wall.一下子就缴了那男子的械,并把他按到墙上。It sure didn't take you long to smell the food!有好吃的东西当然一下子就闻出来了!I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我叫他滚开,不要来烦我,他的口气一下子就从逢迎谄媚变成了勃然大怒。I opened the door and was instantly revolted by the smell.我打开门,一下子就被这气味熏得很恶心。We were instantly attracted to each other.我们一下子就被彼此吸引住了。When I found all my money had been stolen, I went into a spin.发觉我的钱全被偷了,我一下子就变得惊惶失措。That's a very effective advertisement - it really jumps out at you.那是非常有效的广告——会让你一下子就注意到它。




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