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词汇 youthful
例句 The skin loses its youthful bloom.皮肤失去了年轻时的光泽。At the time I admired his youthful enthusiasm.当时我很羡慕他那年轻人特有的热情。Her youthful spirit was crushed out of her by hardships.由于受到种种艰难困苦的折磨,她那蓬勃的朝气消失了。Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.她的故事有意采用富于青春气息的笔调和情节,同时还带些调侃。I admired his youthful insouciance.我羡慕他那充满朝气、无忧无虑的样子。He is still very youthful in appearance. 他看上去还很年轻。Moisture is essential for keeping your skin fresh and youthful.水分对于保持皮肤清新、有活力极其重要。He still had a youthful look about him.他的外表看起来仍很年轻。The band displays a youthful exuberance and sense of fun.乐队展现了青春的活力和幽默感。He was full of youthful curiosity.他充满了年轻人的好奇。She had a slim, youthful figure.她身材苗条且富于青春活力。He was not just a youthful prodigy but is one of the best mature writers.他不仅过去是个神童,而且现在也是最成熟的作家之一。He revealed the secret of his youthful looks.他透露了自己保持容貌年轻的秘密。She could offer youthful energy and talent in abundance.她可以奉献出大量的青春活力与才华。He flattered her with comments about her youthful appearance.他奉承她外表年轻。My grandparents are still very youthful.我的祖父母依旧充满活力。Her silvery hair was at odds with her youthful shape.她的银色头发与其青年人的体型不搭。He still has a curious and youthful spirit. 他仍旧有一种好奇、活泼的性格。It isn't youthful romance, it's the mush of senility.这不是青春的热恋,这是老年人的痴情。I had fulfilled many of my youthful ambitions.年轻时的很多抱负我都一一实现了。Despite her age she still had a youthful body.尽管她上了年纪,她的身体仍然富于青春活力。She still manages to bring a youthful enthusiasm and energy to her work.她对工作仍有青年人的热忱和活力。She never lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.她从未丧失过年轻时的理想主义,终生都在为正义事业而奋斗。Her sweetness of temper has charmed her aged and youthful companions.她的温和性情使她深受青、老年朋友的喜欢。He enjoys talking about his youthful exploits. 他喜欢谈论他年轻时的壮举。Her youthful appearance belies her age.她年轻的外貌掩盖了她的真实年龄。The photo shows a smiling, youthful Burgos.照片里是一个面带微笑、年轻的布尔戈斯。I remember his youthful bravado.我记得他身上那股年轻人的好逞强劲儿。The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism.之前年少时对理想抱负怀有的一腔热情很快便被现实浇灭。He describes his drug use in college as just a youthful indiscretion. 他把自己在大学里吸毒轻描淡写地说成是年轻人犯的小错。He crossed paths with a youthful politician named Henry Adam.他遇见一位名叫亨利·亚当的年轻有为的政治家。Their pranks were just youthful folly. 他们的恶作剧不过是年轻人的愚蠢之举而已。Marian retains a restless, youthful spirit, in search of new horizons.玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心去寻求新的天地。A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.作为一名年轻教师,他发现自己并不情愿地参与到了学校的权力争斗中。She has very youthful skin.她的皮肤非常细嫩。Although middle-aged, he had a youthful appearance.虽然已人到中年,他的样子仍很年轻。She found herself rendered obsolete by the emergence of the new wave of youthful British pop stars.她发现,英国年轻流行歌手新浪潮的出现已使她自己显得过时了。A youthful president can be good for a country's morale.一位年轻的总统可以有助于改善国家的精神面貌。His appearance is boyishly youthful.他看上去青春年少。She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance.她保持了年轻的外貌。




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