例句 |
The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.长江流域的水位每年这个时候都会处于危险的高位。The Yangtze rises in the Tibetan highlands.长江发源于青藏高原。This year water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze are unusually high.长江今年中下游的水位都过高。The Yangtze flows eastward across the length of China.长江东流,横贯中国。We went on a weeklong cruise down the Yangtze River.我们乘船沿着长江游玩了一个星期。We cruised for a week down the Yangtze River.我们乘船沿着长江游玩了一个星期。 |