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Most of the development is outside the city centre.大多数的新建住宅区都在市中心以外的地方。The new library building is an atrocity.那幢新建的图书馆大楼难看极了。The new hospital is a fitting memorial to her.这所新建的医院是对她最好的纪念。The new houses have piped water, electricity, central heating and other modern conveniences.新建房屋有自来水、电力供应、集中供暖以及其他现代设施。The maternity department will be in the new wing of the hospital.产科病房将设在医院新建的一侧。The entire team enjoyed hot showers in the spacious surrounds of a new, modern village hall.全队都在新建的现代化村会所的宽敞洗浴间享受了热水淋浴。The government has imposed strict controls on new building.政府已经对新建建筑物实施了严格限制。He created a new folder on his desktop.他在桌面上新建了个文件夹。The new bike path allows bicycles to ride unimpeded through the city.新建的自行车道可以让骑车人畅通无阻的穿过城市。The smaller, older houses are dwarfed by the new apartment blocks and hotels.那些比较小、比较旧的房子,在新建的公寓大楼和酒店旁边显得更加矮小了。A new textile factory was pumping its waste into the river.一家新建的纺织厂把废水排放到了河里。New roads are cutting into the green belt.新建道路侵占了绿化带。Vaginal agenesis can be corrected by surgery to create a functioning vagina.阴道发育不全可以通过以手术新建一个有功能的阴道来解决。The new building looks most impressive.新建的大楼蔚为壮观。A new house of any size was now almost invariably symmetrical.现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。This big new hotel certainly put our town on the map.这家新建的大宾馆无疑已使我们这个城镇遐迩闻名了。They built the resort from the ground up.他们新建了这个度假胜地。A new store is going up downtown.市区将新建一家商店。Their new cottage was the admiration of the whole village.他家新建的农舍是全村人羡慕的对象。The new highway bypasses the city.新建公路绕城市而过。It is hoped that the new art gallery will be a big draw for visitors.希望新建的美术馆能吸引大量的参观者。To open a new document, click "File" and then click "New".建立新文件时,先点击“文件夹”,然后再点击“新建”。Don't forget to back up all the new files you create.别忘记给新建文档作备份。The counsel to build a new school was not approved.新建一所学校的计划没有获得批准。In one sense, the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter.从某种意义上说,只有少数新建商业大厦可以融到资金的情况其实并不重要。The new skyscraper will dwarf all those near it.新建的摩天大楼会让周围的建筑都显得很矮小。The transformation of the Inner Harbor included new office buildings, and a marketplace of small shops and food stalls.内港区的变化包括新建的办公大楼及拥有小商铺和食摊的市场。He gave his adherence to the newly-founded political party.他拥护那个新建的政党。The school has built a new sports complex, complete with a skating rink.学校新建了综合体育场馆,里面有一个溜冰场。A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。They have launched a feasibility study for the construction of a new road.他们已开始研究新建一条道路的可行性。Lumber prices go up, and higher prices for new houses are bound to result.木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。Move the cursor to where it says "New File" and press enter.把光标移到“新建文件”处然后按回车键。The houses in the new development are completely soulless.新建住宅区的房子毫无吸引力。New snowboarding facilities should attract more people.新建的滑雪板运动设施应该会吸引更多的人。The school was reestablished last year in a new town.去年,这所学校在一个新建的小镇上重建。They seem to think that building a new road will improve the traffic problem, whereas in point of fact it will make it worse.他们好像是认为新建一条路就能缓解交通问题,可实际上反而会令问题变得更糟。The counsel to build a new airport was approved.新建一个机场的计划获得批准。The council discussed plans for a new city hall.委员会讨论新建市政厅的计划。The village purchased land for a new school.该村为新建学校购买了一块土地。 |