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词汇 written
例句 He has written umpteen books.他写了许许多多的书。I wouldn't swear to it , but I think he's written three books so far.尽管不敢绝对肯定,但我认为到现在为止他已写了三本书。The epic tale was written in verse.这个史诗般的故事是用诗歌的形式写成的。It seems likely that Wiseman was responding to a letter written prior to Smith's death.似乎怀斯曼正在回复一封在史密斯去世之前写的信。It was written in black pen.那是用黑色墨水写的This book is very badly written, and its only saving grace is its interesting color photographs.这本书写得很糟糕,唯一可取之处就是书上那些有趣的彩色照片。The date should be written after the address.日期应写在地址之后。Your paper was well-written, but I had to mark it down for being late.你的论文写得不错,但由于交晚了,我不得不给你打低分。It was written in the stars that they would meet and fall in love.上苍注定让他们相遇、相爱。The lines were written by an obscure English poet named Mordaunt.这几句诗是一位不知名的英国诗人莫当特创作的。He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts.据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。She backed her argument with written evidence.她为自己的论点提供了书面证据。His new play, Arcadia, is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written.他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。We're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important.我们正在努力恢复口语和书面语之间的平衡,让教师们感到二者同样重要。We need written consent before we can publish the photograph.我们需要得到书面许可才能发表照片。The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.他录制的这些歌是由几名酷爱音乐的作曲家谱写的。She's a dark horse. I didn't know she'd written a novel.她可是深藏不露啊,我不知道她还写过一部小说。The speech was as poetically written as any he'd ever heard.这一演讲的文字表现力之丰富可与他听过的任何一篇相比肩。The music was written for piano.这支曲子是为钢琴谱写的。The words were written in black ink.这些字是用黑色墨水写的。Discussion should be followed up by a written report.讨论之后应该有个书面报告。His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.他的留言故意写得很隐晦。He has written several novels.他写过好几部小说。The message was written in a foreign script.这条信息是用外文字母写的。I was anxious to hear his thoughts on the scenes I had written.我急于想听听他对我写的这几场戏有什么想法。He produced a hand-written list of nine men he was supposed to kill.他拿出了一份手写的名单,上面列有他要杀的九个人的名字。The novel is written from a child's perspective.这部小说是以一个孩子的视角写的。Her father gave her the two books he had written as her dowry.作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。Classic Greek drama was written in verse, usually in an elevated and formal style.古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐。The report was written after analysing data from the case histories of thousands of patients.这份报告是在对几千位患者的病历进行分析之后撰写的。The rules are complexly written.规则写得很复杂。He has written a slew of books.他写了许多书。The report seemed to be written in computer jargon.这份报告似乎是用计算机术语写成的。I thought that article was written at a very superficial level.我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅。The document is written in Chinese.文件是用汉语写的。This is her first serious novel; up till now she has only written political satires.这是她的第一部严肃小说;在这以前她只写政治讽刺作品。It is good because it is written in friendly, ordinary language.它很不错,因为是以友好而平凡的语言写成的。A number of the company's debts were written off even before they went bankrupt.该公司有几笔债务在他们破产前就被注销了。This book is written for the 10-to-11 age bracket.这本书是为十到十一岁年龄层的孩子写的。Freya's letter looked as though she had written it in a great hurry.弗雷亚的信看起来像是在极匆忙中写成的。




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