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词汇 write on
例句 Each classroom has a flip chart to write on.每个教室都有一个挂纸白板供书写。He writes on political issues.他撰写政治文章。He now works in industry and writes on science in his spare time.他现在在企业工作,业余时间写点科学文章。Please write on one side of the paper only.请只在纸的一面书写。He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.他尽力不带一丝哗众取宠的色彩来写作他的题材。You must not write on the question paper.请勿在试题纸上答题。Let me find you a pen and some paper to write on.让我给你找支笔和写字的纸。He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.他在纸张的两面都写以节省用纸。You can write on both sides of the paper.你可以写在试卷的两面。Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.教师通常用粉笔在黑板上书写。You can write on the back of the page.你可以写在这页背面。Hang on, let me just get something to write on.等等,让我找点东西来写。Ancient peoples used tablets to write on before paper was invented.古人在纸发明前用简在上面写字。




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