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词汇 Old
例句 Old people tend to get fat.老年人容易发胖。Old uses of some words are dying out.一些词语的旧用法正慢慢被淘汰。Machismo is a New World phenomenon with roots in Old World cultures.大男子主义是植根于旧世界文化中的新大陆现象。Old out-of-date steel plants were kept ticking over by means of bank overdrafts.设备陈旧的钢铁厂靠银行透支维持着。Old photos of Maggie show her young and demure.玛吉的老照片展现了她的年轻和娴静。Old antagonisms resurfaced.宿怨复萌。Much of the Old South was preserved at the White House.白宫里保持好多南北战争前南方的生活方式。It's time I got a dose of Old World culture.该是我接触一下旧大陆文化的时候了。Old age added virulence to her tongue.她年事已高,说话愈加刻毒了。I blush to admit that I haven't read “The Old Curiosity Shop”.我都不好意思承认,我没有看过《老古玩店》。Old men sat along the mole and fished.老人们沿防波堤坐著钓鱼。Old books are said to give a room character.据说旧书能使房间别具一格。Old people fear to leave their homes.老年人都不愿背井离乡。Old people don't like to vary their habits.老年人不喜欢改变他们的积习。Old people may need help decorating their homes.老年人装潢居室的时候可能需要人帮忙。Old friends, once close, dropped away.以前曾经非常亲密的老朋友一个一个地离去。The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.来宾中心将欧洲的传统与美洲的技术结合在一起。Old Dr Macintosh was a lovely man.老麦金托什博士是个讨人喜欢的人。Monkeys in the New World evolved separately from those in the Old World.新大陆的猴子的进化独立于旧大陆的猴子的进化。He draws his morality from a literal reading of the Old Testament.他的道德观来自于对《圣经・旧约》字面的理解。Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning.老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。Old Gunga spoke God knows how many languages.老贡嘎会说很多种语言,天晓得有多少种。Old Mr Carter was convinced that women doctors were inferior to men.老卡特先生坚信,女医生不如男医生。Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years.老年人在暮年往往依靠宠物陪伴,来获得安慰。Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.城里的老房子变得物以稀为贵。Old buildings were knocked down, and new apartments and townhouses built.旧的房子拆了,建起了新的公寓和联体住宅。She is presently on trial at the Old Bailey.她目前正在伦敦中央刑事法庭受审。Old women in large conical hats and Vietnamese clothing sit on the steps.头戴大锥形帽、身穿越南服装的老年妇女坐在台阶上。He is now recognized as one of the Old Masters of the Dutch school.如今他被认为是荷兰画派的大师之一。Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品种抗病害能力可能较差。Old country churches are a big tourist attraction.古老的乡村教堂对游客具有很大的吸引力。The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine.老城区的街道狭促曲折,好似迷宫一般。Old people need to retain their dignity and independence.老年人需要保持自尊和独立。Old families need an infusion of new blood from time to time.古老的氏族需要不时输入新的血液。Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord.即使国家利益不尽相同,他们也可以化敌为友。Old age creeps up on us.不经意间我们都上了年纪。New Delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with Old Delhi.新德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.老沃尔特正在写他乡村生活的回忆录。This morning's reading is from the Old Testament.今早的朗读材料选自《旧约全书》。Old age had not sweetened her.年纪大了并没让她变得平和。




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