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词汇 old age
例句 It's early you're talking about old age. You've tucks of time.你谈老年还早,你的日子还多着呢。He's getting sweeter in his old age.他晚年时变得更和蔼可亲了。The autobiographical impulse is normal in old age.人到老年想写本自传是正常的。His grandmother remains hale and hearty in her old age.他的祖母在年老时身体依然很硬朗。The provision for old age in our system is non-contributory and wholly paid by the state.按我们的制度,供养老年人不靠共醵,一切费用由政府支付。He had laid enough by for his old age.他积蓄很多,足够老年之需。She's getting very forgetful in her old age.她老了,变得非常健忘。If you keep fit, you can enjoy life well into old age.如果你保持身体健康,就能安享晚年。She died of extreme old age.她得享高寿,无疾而终。Health education will play a part in preparing us for old age.健康教育将为我们进入老年生活作好一定准备。We are not saving enough for our old age.我们为晚年存的钱还不够。Helen's gone dykey in her old age.海伦人到老年成了同性恋者。She became very frail in her old age.她晚年变得非常虚弱。Loss of hearing often occurs in old age.失聪是老年时经常发生的事。Most people have preconceptions about old age.大多数人对老年有成见。His mother remains hale and hearty in her old age.他的母亲虽然上了年纪,但身子骨还很硬朗。He attained a contented old age.他过上了心满意足的老年生活。I will try to avoid coming upon my children in my old age.我要尽力避免在晚年时成为孩子们的负担。Even in old age, his powers of recall were astonishing.即使年纪大了,他的记忆力还是很惊人。The students were all incapacitated in some way, by illness or old age.这些学生或因身患疾病,或因年岁大了,多少都有点力不从心。While most men remain fertile into old age, women do not.大部分男性在年老时仍有生育能力,而妇女则没有了。The elderly relative had died of old age.这位年事已高的亲戚得享天年。My chief solace in old age is the affection of my friends.我晚年的主要安慰是朋友们的友情。He's getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.他上了年纪,变得有些爱吵嘴还老抱怨。Many people shrink in old age.很多人年老时个子会缩小。They worry about how they will support themselves in their old age.他们担心自己晚年的生活保障问题。She was forced to live on the old age pension.她不得不靠养老金生活。She's a little forgetful, but that comes with old age.她有点健忘,但那是年纪大了的缘故。My daughter is a blessing to me in my old age.上了年纪有我女儿真是我的福气。Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.耳聋常随老年而出现。My grandparents survived into advanced old age.我的祖父母都活到了高龄。Her sons talk in terms of depression, brain tumour, rare diseases; her physician talks in terms of old age, her home, her own room.她儿子从抑郁、脑肿瘤、罕见病这几方面入手讲解;她的医生从年纪大、她的家庭环境、她自己的房间入手讲解。The awful thing about old age is losing your dignity.上了年纪很糟糕的就是丧失尊严。He used to love adventure, but he has gone/gotten soft in his old age.他过去喜欢冒险,但老了就变胆小了。These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts.这些人似乎以为自己读了几本关于老年人的书就可以算作专家了。He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.到了晚年,他愈感不满,牢骚不断。She can look forward to a happy old age.她渴望度过一个幸福的晚年。His activities were restricted by old age.他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she has mellowed in her old age.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但年老时就变得随和了。Ben's getting a little testy in his old age.上了年纪后本变得有点性急了。




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