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例句 The lemon juice brings out the natural fruit flavours.柠檬汁散发出天然的水果香味。The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat.这些香料果然能使肉的味道全出来。He generally wears a pale blue tie to bring out the colour of his eyes.他通常结一条淡蓝色领带,以衬托眼睛的颜色。I can bring out Aminta's romantic feelings.我能激发出阿明塔的浪漫情愫。He is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils.他全身心地投入,最大限度地激发学生的潜能。This recording has a fullness and warmth that brings out the brilliance of the piece.这段录音圆浑而温馨,演绎出了乐曲的精萃。Alcohol just brings out the worst in her.喝酒把她最坏的一面暴露了出来。Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man's best qualities.困难的情境有时能激发出一个人最优良的品质。Our school aims to bring out the talents in each of our students.我们学校的目标是让每一名学生的才华都能得以施展。Fear of the unknown is what brings out prejudice.对未知事物的恐惧是偏见之源。Counsellors are specially trained to bring out people's innermost fears and emotions.辅导人员都受过专门训练,能诱导人们将内心最深处的恐惧和情感诉说出来。Pressure can bring out the worst in people.压力可以使人们暴露出最恶劣的本性。Christmas usually brings out the absolute worst in sentimental platitudes.圣诞节通常是表达情感的陈词滥调最泛滥的时候。Babies bring out the woman in her.婴儿唤起了她身为女人的柔情。The substance itself is flavourless, but it is said to bring out the flavour of other ingredients.这种物质本身没有味道,但据说可以帮助其他配料提味。The fine weather brings out butterflies.天气好的时候,蝴蝶就会出来活动。The rival TV companies are in a race to bring out the first film drama of his life.互相竞争的电视公司争相推出关于他生平的第一部故事片。A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. 危机使一些人表现出其最好的一面,而使另一些人暴露出其最坏的一面。We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realizing it.我们正在努力挖掘许多人自身具有但却没有意识到的潜在艺术才能。The wine really brings out the spicy flavour of the meat.酒确实能使肉的香味体现出来。Drinking brings out the worst in him. 喝酒会让他行为出丑。The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.画家给油画涂上一层色彩使画面更加生动。He has the ability to bring out the best in others.他能做到扬人之长。Scribner will bring out a memoir by Candace Gringritch in the autumn.斯克里布纳出版社今年秋天将出版坎达丝·格林格里奇的回忆录。That blue sweater really brings out the color in your eyes.那件蓝色毛衣正能衬出你眼睛的颜色。He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word.他震惊得连一句话也说不出来。They rolled their drums to bring out the villagers.他们击鼓召唤村民。She has the ability to bring out the best in others.她能最大限度地激发他人的潜能。Performing in front of an audience brings out the best in me. 在观众面前表演使我呈现出了最好的一面。She seems to bring out the best in him.看来她把他最好的一面发掘了出来。She seems to bring out the worst in him.她似乎使他展现出了最坏的一面。He phoned to say they want to bring out a second edition.他来电话说他们打算出第二版。Cameras bring out the ham in her.众多镜头下她的扭捏作态暴露无遗。I think competition brings out the worst in people.我认为竞争会让人原形毕露。Hypnotherapy can bring out previously hidden emotions.催眠疗法可以释放以前隐藏的情感。Competitive games bring out my aggressive side.竞技性的比赛显露了我好强的一面。He was so excited that he could hardly bring out a word.他激动得说不出一句话来。




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