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词汇 with enthusiasm
例句 Her face blazed with enthusiasm and happiness.她热情洋溢,满面春风。Their faces blazed with enthusiasm.他们热情洋溢,容光焕发。He has applied himself to this task with enthusiasm.他满怀热情地投入到了这项任务中。He was bubbling over with enthusiasm for the project.他对那个项目充满热情。Her heart always glows with enthusiasm.她内心总是热情洋溢。The news was received with enthusiasm.这篇新闻反响热烈。Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.早些时候的报告显示学生学习更为刻苦、持久,并且怀有学习热情。He was on fire with enthusiasm.他充满着火一般的热情。She embraced the feminist cause with enthusiasm.她热烈地响应女权运动。Rob was just brimming with enthusiasm.罗布就是满腔热情。Fired with enthusiasm, Miller built a bigger boat.米勒满怀激情,造了一艘更大的船。The last time I saw him he was bubbling over with enthusiasm.我上次见到他时他热情奔放。The party supported its candidate with enthusiasm.这个政党热情支持着自己的候选人。Davis understood that they must be inoculated with enthusiasm.戴维斯明白必须给他们注入激情。He was ablaze with enthusiasm.他充满热情。We threw ourselves into the preparations with enthusiasm.我们满怀热情地投入到准备工作中。Most West European countries have embraced the concept of high-speed rail networks with enthusiasm.大多数西欧国家都非常积极,乐意接受修建高速铁路网的想法。Rob was brimming with enthusiasm.罗布满腔热情。He guided us through the tombs and temples with enthusiasm.他热情地带领我们参观陵墓和庙宇。His speech fired the audience with enthusiasm.他的演说使听众充满了热情。They'd been a dejected lot when he'd arrived at the shipyard, but now they sparkled with enthusiasm.他刚到船厂时,他们曾是一群垂头丧气的人,现在的他们却热情洋溢。Her idea was greeted with enthusiasm.她的想法得到热烈的响应。Well, I think it's important not to confound disaffection with the institutions of democracy with enthusiasm for a dictatorship.这个,我觉得重要的是,不要混淆对民主体制的不满和对独裁统治的热衷。The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.歌手们热情洋溢地演唱了这首歌。I was fired with enthusiasm to go traveling in Asia.我满怀热情去亚洲旅行。




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