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词汇 bobbed
例句 She had her hair bobbed.她把头发剪短了。She bobbed her hair to be in style.她把头发剪成时行的短发。A head bobbed up from behind the fence.一个脑袋突然从栅栏后面冒出来。We bobbed gently up and down on the swell of the incoming tide.我们随着涨潮的浪涌轻轻地起伏。A keg bobbed up astern.一只小圆桶突然在船尾出现。An old cigarette pack bobbed along in the current.一个旧香烟盒顺水起伏漂流。The float bobbed up and down on the water.鱼漂在水面上忽浮忽沉。The former prime minister bobbed up again.前总理东山再起。Throngs of people bobbed on the waves, many girthed in big inflatable yellow rings.一群人随着海浪上下漂浮,许多人套着大个的黄色充气救生圈。The girl bobbed politely at him.那姑娘礼貌地向他行了个屈膝礼。I bobbed to the surface and gasped a lungful of air.我浮上水面,深吸了一口气。Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.福斯特夫人跑来跑去收拾自己的东西。They bobbed the horse's tail for the show.为了演出,他们剪短了马的尾巴。The little girl bobbed before the visitor.小女孩在客人面前鞠了一个躬。The raft bobbed along more quietly.小木筏更加平静地漂浮向前。A flock of ducks bobbed near the shore.一队鸭子在岸边快速游动。I hadn't seen her since she bobbed her hair.她剪了短头发后我还没见过她呢。The waiter came over and bobbed a bow.侍者走过来并鞠了一个躬。Suddenly an object bobbed up from below the surface.突然,一个物体从水下冒了出来。Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above.一个个巨大的气球在头顶的蓝天中漂浮着。He smiled his greetings and bobbed his head.他笑着问好并频频点头致意。The bird bobbed its head up and down as it searched for food.鸟觅食时不断点头。The bird's head bobbed up and down as it searched for food.鸟觅食时不断点头。He spoke to the girl, who bobbed her head.他和女孩说着话,女孩频频点头。The small boats bobbed gently up and down in the bay.小船在港口轻轻颠簸晃动。His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.他的喉结在喉咙里上下滚动。A hostess stood at the top of the steps and bobbed her head at each passenger.一位空姐站在最高的阶梯上向每位旅客点头致意。The question bobbed up again.问题又突然冒出来了。She handed over a form, then bobbed down again behind a typewriter.她递来一张表格,然后又迅速在一台打字机后面俯下身去。The small boat bobbed about on the choppy water.小船在波浪起伏的水面上颠簸。




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