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词汇 rationing
例句 They righteously maintain that they do not practise rationing.他们一本正经地坚称不实行定量配给制度。During rationing we had a sugar allocation.定量配给时期,糖是限量配给的。The drought has forced the government to institute water rationing.旱灾迫使政府实行饮用水配给制。The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing.这里的市政当局正准备实施食物配给制度。During rationing we each had a sugar allocation.定量配给时期,糖是限量配给的。Strict rationing of basic foodstuffs was still in force.基本食品配给仍在严格实施。News of bread rationing created panic buying.面包要实行定量配给的消息引发了恐慌性购买。A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.由于持续干旱,有必要对用水实行配给了。As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.作为从食物配给时期遗留下来的习惯,他们把黄油和人造黄油混在一起烹食。It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry.人们认为实行配给制会使农业失去活力。In the social upheavals the disciplines, such as food rationing, collapsed.在社会大动乱中,粮食配给一类的规章制度全都荡然无存。




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