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词汇 willing
例句 Are you willing to stand surety for your brother?你愿意为你兄弟作担保吗? No one was willing to speak out in favour of their colleague.没有人能愿意出来替自己的同事说句话。When it comes to gay sex, fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other.在同性恋问题上,原教旨主义者和天主教徒很乐意相互合作。I asked if she'd be willing to help.我问她是否愿意帮忙。She was willing to fulfil her plan at any price.她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。He seemed willing enough to listen.他似乎很乐意听。It still amazes me that people are willing to pay money for modern art.人们竟然愿意花钱欣赏现代艺术,这依然让我吃惊。Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?你愿意做我签署遗嘱的见证人吗?I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.我愿意假定他是无辜的。Would you be willing to oblige us with some information?您愿意为我们提供一些信息吗?We are willing to take whatever action is needed. 我们愿意采取任何必要的行动。He seemed willing to take up the challenge.看来他很乐意接受挑战。Pauline was willing to do anything for her children's happiness.为了孩子们的幸福,保利娜愿意做任何事情。They were willing, even eager, to help.他们很愿意,甚至可以说是很渴望来帮忙。Neither side is willing to surrender any territory/any of their claims.双方都不愿意在领土上/自己的主张上作出任何让步。He was willing to use any dirty trick to get what he wanted.为了得到他想要的东西,他不惜使用任何卑鄙的欺骗手段。They say they're not willing to give any more than they've already offered.他们说就原定的这些钱,不愿意再多给了。She's always willing to babysit, but I don't want to take advantage of her good nature.她总愿意来照看孩子,可是我不想利用她的好心肠。I got in to work extra early to show willing and impress my boss.我早早地来上班,为了向老板表现我工作积极,并给他留下深刻印象。I've never gone skiing before, but I'm willing to give it a try.我以前从未滑过雪,但是我愿意试一试。They are willing to invest time and energy in the scheme.他们愿意在这个方案上投入时间和精力。He bent close to her ear, speaking into it, willing her, commanding her to live.他弓身凑近她的耳朵恳求她,命令她,要她活下去。John was no hero-he was willing to let others fight.约翰不是个好汉 - 他宁愿让别人战斗。What the problem comes down to is whether the consumer will be willing to pay more for a higher quality product.问题可归结为:消费者是否愿意花更多的钱购买更高质量的产品。The President is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.总统愿意与民主党人士商谈。All the staff are fully trained and willing to help in any way they can.所有的工作人员都受过全面的培训,并愿意尽其所能提供帮助。He was willing to sell on the property.他愿意把这处房产倒手卖掉。The committee was willing to overlook her shortcomings.委员会情愿对她的缺点忽略不计。Her eyes were fixed on the waxen face of her son, willing him to live.她凝视着儿子苍白的脸,盼着他好起来。I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes.我愿意承认我确实会犯错。The great thing about Alex is that he's always willing to explain things to you.亚历克斯的优点是总是愿意把事情解释给你听。We'll be there tomorrow, God willing!要是一切顺利的话,我们明天就会到那儿!This could easily be remedied if the authorities were willing.如果当局愿意的话,这很好补救。Not all indigenous regimes were willing to accept the supposed benefits of British trade.并非所有当地的政权都愿意接受与英国贸易的所谓好处。Managers are willing to hold a dialogue with union leaders.管理层愿意与工会领袖进行对话。Be willing to do mundane tasks with good grace.要乐于承担平凡的工作。The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.股票经纪人把其中一部分股票脱手给了一名乐意接盘的客户。He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.他总是渴望拥有新的经历,而且永远愿意尝试。The President said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing.总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样做。If they're willing to put all their cards on the table and negotiate, that's good.如果他们愿意公开自己的打算并进行谈判,那就好了。




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