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词汇 widowed
例句 But I, new in that twilight world of the newly-widowed, felt the need to excuse myself.但我刚刚成为新寡之人,整个人浑浑噩噩,想要起身离开。Please state whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.请说明你是单身、同居、已婚、分居、离异还是丧偶。His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled from South Africa.他的第二任妻子希拉丽已经成了寡妇,后来又被驱逐出南非。She was widowed last year.去年她成了寡妇。He's gone to stay with his widowed mother in Florida.他去了佛罗里达州跟守寡的母亲同住。He was often in the city to visit his widowed mother and his in-laws.他常到城里来看望他的寡母和众位姻亲。Imogen stayed with her widowed sister.伊莫金和她守寡的姐姐住在一起。He has no thought for his widowed mother.他丝毫不关心寡居的母亲。His widowed mother brought him up.他的寡母把他抚养成人。The two little girls spent their motherless youth with their widowed father.这两个小女孩没了母亲,跟着鳏居的父亲度过了少女时代。She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living.她想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。She was recently widowed and wearing mourning.她最近刚刚丧夫,穿着丧服。More and more young men are widowed by cancer.越来越多的青年男子被癌症夺去了妻子。The mother was widowed and had swanned off.这位母亲成了寡妇,已经悠然闲逛去了。He was widowed last year.他去年丧妻。She was widowed by the war. 战争使她变成了寡妇。




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