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词汇 Wear
例句 Wear something warm.穿暖和点。Wear evening dress or, failing that, a suit.穿晚礼服,如果没有,那就穿西装。Wear something warm, like a fleece jacket or a down vest.穿一些暖和的衣服,比如绒衣或者羽绒马甲。Wear something else. Those colours don't go.穿件别的吧,那几个颜色不协调。Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class.上体育课的时候要穿些舒适宽松的衣服。Wear your coat or you'll be cold.穿上你的大衣,不然你会受凉的。Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I dare you!穿上那件低胸衬衫,再配上粉色短裤——就照这样打扮,你有胆量就穿上试试!Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.打开容器时要戴好护眼用具,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。Wear an outfit appropriate to the job.着装要适合这份工作。Wear loose clothes as they're more comfortable.穿宽松的衣服吧,那样更舒适。Wear your hair however you want.你想弄什么发型自己看着办。Wear the white dress – you know, the one with the short sleeves.穿那件白裙,你知道的,就是那件短袖的。Wear what suits you, not what's in fashion.穿适合你的衣服,不要赶时髦。Wear your coat or you'll catch cold.穿上外套,要不你会着凉的。Wear warm clothes.穿保暖的衣服。Wear well-fitting, lace-up shoes with soft uppers.穿合脚、系带的软帮鞋。Wear classic clothes which feel good and look good.穿些既舒适又好看的经典款式的服装。Wear a shower cap to keep your hair dry.戴顶浴帽保持头发干燥。Wear protective clothing.穿上保护服。Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。Wear something really fly for your Friday date.礼拜五的约会要穿得漂漂亮亮地去。Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.清理猫砂时要带戴上橡胶手套。Wear sandals when you paddle.玩水的时候穿上凉鞋。Wear underwear that is made from natural fibres.穿天然纤维做的内衣。Let me give you a piece of advice. Wear a blue suit to the interview.让我给你一点建议。 穿蓝色套装去参加面试。Wear something else. This won't go.穿件别的吧,这件不搭配。Wear the white dress, you know, the one with all the black embroidery.穿那件白裙,你知道的,上面有黑色刺绣的那件。Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.穿上宽松的衣服和舒服的鞋子。Wear protective glasses when working with the saw.用锯子的时候要戴防护镜。Wear a hat or you'll fry.戴上帽子,否则会被晒伤的。Wear what you like, no one seems to take any notice.穿你喜欢的衣服,好像没人会注意的。Wear thermal underwear, hat, and gloves while skiing.滑雪时要穿好保暖内衣,戴好帽子和手套。Wear a hat and drink plenty of fluids to reduce the danger of sunstroke.戴上帽子并喝大量液体来降低中暑的危险。Wear clothing that protects all exposed skin.着装要能保护所有裸露的肌肤。Wear a hat so you don't burn your neck.戴上帽子,这样你才不会把脖子晒伤。Wear thick gloves, otherwise you'll tear your fingers to pieces.戴上厚手套,否则会弄破手指的。Wear dark-glasses so the sun won't shine in your eyes.戴上墨镜,这样阳光不会刺眼。Wear loose, comfortable clothing.要穿宽松、舒适的衣服。Wear rubber gloves if you have very sensitive skin.如果你的皮肤很敏感的话,那就戴上橡胶手套。Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。




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